The First Planet Discovered By Math- Neptune

The road to discovery of Neptune let to a rivalry between two scientists who laid claim to Neptune.

Karthick Nambi


Neptune captured by Voyager. Souce-Wikipedia

The telescope in the famous Berlin laboratory scanned the night sky for a planet on September 24, 1846. This planet will cause a clash between two countries over the claim of who found it. Also, it will be the first planet in human history to be mathematically proven to exist and then found by observation. The laboratory telescope found the new planet just 1 degree off the calculation. The planet was Neptune.

Age of Astronomy:

William Herschel and his sister Caroline Herschel observing the sky.Source-Getty images

19th century would become a century of astronomical discoveries. As telescope had become a household article, many eyes were able to look into the sky to observe celestial bodies. In 1781 William Herschel and his sister Caroline Herschel used a homemade telescope and found Uranus. By 1847 Uranus had made a full orbit around the sun, and the data was available for analysis. The data showed a discrepancy in Uranus’s path around the sun as per Newton’s law of gravitation. The data looked like a massive mass beyond Uranus had affected the course of Uranus’s…



Karthick Nambi

A human with interest in history and technology