
The Fusion Reactor You Can Carry In A Backpack

Could a new fusion reactor design finally unlock this ultimate energy source?

Will Lockett
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2022


Nuclear fusion power could save the world. With it we would have, on-tap, near-limitless energy with zero carbon emissions. We could power our modern lives and beyond without fear of killing Mother Earth. In our quest to unlock this elusive power we have built ever larger and more complex contraptions. Yet even these behemoth machines can’t unlock fusion power. However, ex-Blue Origin engineers have a plan not only to build a working fusion reactor that generates power, but one you could carry in a backpack. Welcome to the astonishing world of Avalanche Energy’s orbitron fusion battery.

Before we dive into the orbitron, we first need to look at why our current fusion reactor designs got so massive and complex, without being able to generate a net gain in power.

Take JET (Joint European Torus). This 2,800 tonne reactor can hold 100 m³ of hydrogen plasma and produce 16.1 MW of power! Yet it took considerably more power input to achieve this. Why?

Inside the JET reactor — JET



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at