The Future of Logistics Tech: Sustainability Impossible?

Tom Suberg
Published in
15 min readSep 5, 2018


Photo by Chris LeBoutillier from Pexels

“Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years.” — United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Sustainability, or the ability of something to be sustained in the long run, has been a part of business strategies since the mid-20th century. Multiple energy crises in the 1970s increased the relevance of the discussion even further and the 21st century introduced a new global awareness for sustainability, the dangers of depleting Earth’s resources and the impact our industrial lifestyle has on the environment.

The most prominent discussion topics in this regard include deforestation, plastic waste, energy consumption, and, of course, the emission of greenhouse gases — most notoriously carbon dioxide (CO2). There are, of course, also other greenhouse gases, including methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) or ozone (O3), but, over the past decade, CO2 has been the most popular kid in school. While carbon dioxide does not have the highest global warming potential per particle, it is by far the most abundant in our atmosphere as well as the pollutant we produce the most, which makes it the largest concern for most experts.



Tom Suberg

Writing about technology, politics and the future of business!