The Future of Nanotechnology

Tameem Rahman
8 min readMar 19, 2020


Our imagination is repeatedly being transmuted into reality.

So many fictionized concepts introduced in movies have eventually been made possible in real life. Take the movie Total Recall for example, (featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger) it was produced in 1990 but had the concept of self-driving cars. Now, think to yourself: during that time, would you ever have thought such a thing possible? Probably not. BOOM — came in Tesla.

This is the same case now with Nanotech. We’re exposed to its concepts through movies, especially ones produced by Marvel who love to display its great potential through Iron Man in Avengers Infinity War.

From Daily Marvel Heroes

Although many don’t know how it works (you will in about 5 minutes) it looks really cool. And it also seems unreal. But hey, that’s what we’ve said about self-driving cars, touch screen devices, Virtual and Augmented Reality…all of which are being used by millions around the world as you’re reading this.

In fact, there are scientists right now researching Nanotech and developing super-materials with it; the journey has already begun.



Tameem Rahman

I run an agency doing search marketing for tech companies & lawyers | I write here for fun