The Future of Policing?

Joshua Reingold
Published in
12 min readNov 3, 2021


A policeman by their vehicle.
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Over the course of the past year and a half, the American citizens have begun to rethink the idea policing as we know it. The catalyst was the death of an African American man by the name of George Floyd in May of 2020 but in actuality feelings of dissatisfaction have probably been growing for years. It stands to reason that after watching

  1. A veteran Police Officer place his knee on the neck of a handcuffed man for over eight minutes
  2. And the assisting officers on the scene do nothing

That there needs to be at least a few massive changes to policing.

One of the responses were calls to “Defund the Police” which has different meanings depending upon who one asks. Some individuals mean that a percentage of the capital used to fund the police departments will be given to other city or federal employees. Others wish for the downright disbanding of police departments.

The subsequent months saw a reduction in police presence throughout American cities. This is no doubt because of slashing of allocated funds and/or reduction in morale. Corresponding to this, we have seen an upsurge in crime.

In my own opinion, this indicates that the solution for policing lies not in binary solutions of either giving them complete support or disbanding them outright. This was something that CNN…



Joshua Reingold

I am a Computer Science graduate with decent knowledge in different STEM fields and some non STEM fields. I also have some knowledge in Martial Arts.