The Future of Retail belongs to Teens

This new generation will change everything about the stores you know and love

Adrien Book
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2018


It should come as no surprise to those paying attention to the current shopping ecosystemthat retailers targeting under-served demographics are winning big, thanks to clever marketing, digitalisation, segmentation and shifting demographics. And though millennials are clearly the most talked-about such demographic, it is actually Gen-Z which will upend the retail world order within the next few years. And we’ve already begun to see their influence (get it?) at work.

What do we know about Gen-Z and their shopping habits, beyond the incredibly bland statement that they are “digitally native” (ergh)? In order to explore this theme and gather some basic insights, we will ourselves give in to some good old-fashioned segmentation: the ever-important 5Ps of marketing (Place, Price, People, Product, Promotion).

1 — Place

We’ve known for decades that stores need a digital footprint. But what analysts seem to have a harder time understanding is that this investment should not come out of the physical store budget, as physical assets are equally important, albeit for very different reasons; the store is above all a fantastic way to interact with a product and/or a brand: to see…



Adrien Book

Strategy Consultant | Tech writer | Somewhat French