A still image from the final scene of the film “2001: A Space Odyssey”

The Future Through Science Fiction Eyes

There is something paradoxical in science fiction. It shows us extraordinary technological innovations that, however, never turn into reality (hibernation, interstellar travel, flying cars, etc.). At the same time, it almost always fails to anticipate the innovations that really transform the world

Michele Diodati
Published in
16 min readJun 20, 2020


What are we looking for in science fiction?

Why are we so fond of science fiction? For the inevitable contrast between good and evil? For the ambiguities that arise from the transposition of this contrast into the future? For the vicissitudes of the hero or heroine on duty, faced with an almost impossible enterprise to accomplish? Or for the loves, betrayals, fears, epic drives that abound in books and films of this kind, seasoned with the inevitable series of chases, shootings, fistfights, torture, deaths, and rescues?

Perhaps for all these reasons, but none of them in particular. The struggle between good and evil, heroism, love, hatred, betrayals, pursuits, wars, blood, revenge are universal archetypes of human culture. They can be found in any type of cultural product, from the Greek tragedy to the more…



Michele Diodati

Science writer with a lifelong passion for astronomy and comparisons between different scales of magnitude.