Tosin Joseph
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2024
Photo credit: getty Images

MIND THE GAP: 12 feedback from a disruptive tech future

We are in a revolutionary time and technology both cutting-edge and emerging tech is going to be a very blunt force that will either make or mar any industry player if they refuse to align with it. The truth remains true that tech is the future ! Whatever product or service you render without tech in it will be a race to irrelevance in your industry. Almost every industry (banking, health, education, media, travel, entertainment, food, logistics, transport, fashion, cyber security, etc.) will be shaken by this tech revolution.

Here are some of the features of any company or organisation that can survive the future market:

1. Organisations that can become border-less, commanding and delivering impactful value and services from one spot through diverse technological platforms with a borderless reach offering values to its consumers or clients. This will birth the rise of borderless workforce (remote workforce), borderless services, borderless products, borderless customer experience etc

2. Organisations that can curate their organisational mission and vision, design products and services under the clarity of bended time. Understanding how to be BEFORE TIME, IN TIME and AFTER TIME (Olakunle Soriyan, Global Thought Leader at the NEXT365 BORDERLESS-NXT February 2024). This could also mean understanding how to engage customer IN THE NOW, TOMMOROW and IN THE FUTURE. Engaging your customers before time, in time and after time. Times are changing faster with the way emerging and cutting edge technologies like AI are shaping culture and redefining our society is wired.

3. Organisations with a culture-shaping product and services…such as how we LIVE (social media engagement, travel, LOVE (some marriage begins on online e.g. social media), WORK (remote work enabling technology like zoom, stream yard, , PLAY (LEGO, computer games, entertainment) and DIE (longevity apps, wellness app, designing apps that people use to select funeral itinerary). Whatever your organisation is doing that have no tech in it and not impacting in anyway on how we live, work, play, love or die…the journey to irrelevance

4. Organisations that can combine offline with online customer experience . More importantly, the company that run with the fact that ONLINE is the new FRONT DOOR to customers. Company like Amazon is riding and flying high with this change in so many ways. The world has changed …covid-19 is the new reset and change button.

5. Organisation that understands the game of NIMBLENESS and being AGILE (ability to move and adapt quickly). Ability not to be loyal to one strategy and method as disruptions will be very frequent in this AI and other emerging tech dispensation.

6. Organisation that engages leverage on the power of e-commerce and Q-commerce (Quick-Commerce). ‘E-commerce’ refers to the online purchase, or sale, of a good or service, which can take 3–4 or longer days to deliver, whereas Q-commerce aims to deliver in a 30 minute-1 hour span. Quick-commerce will be a game changer in this modern digital ecosystem. Speed of delivery will be a key customer satisfaction index.

7. Organisations that can increase consumer choice and expand their options for brand loyalty. (Buying decisions are influenced than ever before).

8. Organisation that understands that the dynamics of the new digital AI world and its impact. Mobile technology is a much easier engagement for customers and social media will be a major platform. (7 billion mobile users, 4.95 billion active social media users). UK online spend: UK GDP – 3.13 trillion and 2023 online spend – £286b (of which 57% are mobile).

9. Organisation that is willing to engage and maximise the “Internet of Things (IOT)” as a game changer with future consumers especially the GenZ target market.

10. Organisation that understands the game of visibility. SEO and headless development. In this age of emerging and cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, engagement with the right algorithm can make you visible to anybody under the sun…Anybody can see you, your work, your service and product!

11. Organisation that understands the rules of customer engagement and the attention economy. Customer attention will be the real deal in this new digital economy.

12. Organisations that can embrace and leverage on the creative energy of one to infinity.

I hope this helps. See you in my next article. Keep winning !



Tosin Joseph
Writer for

Hi, Pleased to meet YOU!🤩Am an AI & DeepTech Analyst and Researcher exploring how the possibilities of emerging technologies are shaping our digital ecosystem.