The Price of Being Different

“If one’s different, one’s bound to be lonely.”- Aldous Huxley

Almar Tagara
2 min readApr 20, 2024


A man in the dark.
Photo by Atharva Tulsi on Unsplash

When I was 22 years old, I was diagnosed with chronic tinnitus.

Penn Medicine defined tinnitus as “the medical term for “hearing” noises in your ears.” There is no cure for my condition. And it made my life miserable.

After I was diagnosed with chronic tinnitus, I have learned that I can never be normal again and here are the price of being different:

1. People will call you crazy.

If you have a different behavior than most of your peers, you will face a lot of criticism.

For example, when I was still in high school people called me crazy because I love to read personal development books. I also love to read business books because I want to learn from successful people. Some teachers will try to control you but you need to focus on your self-confidence.

Self-awareness is so important.

It will help you know your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Having a small group of friends.

I was not a popular student in college.

I hate social interactions because I am an introvert. Talking to strangers made me want to vomit. As a result, I have a small group of friends in the past. But I have realized that this is a strength.

It is important to have a small group of friends who have the same values as you do.

3. Loneliness is considered as part of being normal.

I love solitude.

As an introvert, I have a lot of free time to read books and write on the internet. Most people love to watch on Netflix after work. I considered that as a waste of time.

You should invest your time on learning new skills.

The best skills will give you more confidence and self-esteem.

4. Your personality will change because of traumatic events.

After I was diagnosed with chronic tinnitus, I was never the same.

I became more competitive and I started reading books about human nature, copywriting, and psychology. I want to learn how to become successful. One of the best pieces of advice I have received comes from Dr. Jordan Peterson. He said that “Never use your illness as an excuse.”

Take responsibility for your own life.

If you love yourself, you will have more confidence and you can inspire other people.

5. Stop looking for social approval and do the work.

The best artists don’t ask for permission.

They are too focused on creating new things. They want to change the world with their ideas. As a result, they are often misunderstood.

But you need to have courage and persistence.

Share your ideas on the internet and find out if your ideas are valuable.



Almar Tagara

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: