The Science of Telepathy and Psychokinesis

Yes, they’re possible.

E. Alderson


A still from the movie “Carrie” shows a young girl manipulating a car with her mind. By MGM Pictures.

Of course it’s tempting. We all want to satisfy our curiosity and pry into the minds of the people around us. What is the truth hidden behind their wet, fluttering eyes, behind their subtle facial expressions which we aren’t quite sure how to read? At first telepathy is a parlor trick; you amuse yourself and others by reading their minds. You feel, for the first time in your life, god-like.

But then you want to know more. How do the most important people really feel about you? What secrets have they been keeping about your relationship, about their past? But that’s a slippery slope we don’t always want to go down. Our society — like every society on Earth — is built on lies. Some of them small, some of them significant. We lie to one another, we lie to ourselves. It’s not always a bad thing. Some would even call it necessary for civilization to function properly and advance. In family, in love, in work, lies are an everyday occurrence that help mankind get along. Even animals lie to one another in that leafy home space of the wild.

Uncovering the truth of our world is a painful process. Like the moment you find out your marriage can’t go on anymore, or simply growing up and growing out of everything you thought the world could be. And yet if given the opportunity many of us would…



E. Alderson

A passion for language, technology, and the unexplored universe. I aim to marry poetry and science.