The truth about Hanuman — Science or Mythology?

Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2021


Hanuman, one with the disfigured jaw.

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Let us first know Lord Hanuman before we get going. Hanuman is mentioned in various scriptures in Hindu Mythology, such as the epic Mahabharata, and played a vital role in Ramayana, wherein he stood as a companion of the god Rama.

Hindu text mentions several valiant stories of Hanuman. One of which really puts me in deep thought —

Vayuputra, which means “Son of Wind-god”, Hanuman was a notorius kid and was set to gulp the mighty Sun, fallaciously thought it as a fruit, which is approx 148 million kilometers from earth as far as we know today. Soaring through space when he approached the sun, he turned himself into “bhimrupi” — gigantic form to accomplish what he was set for. When “Indradev” — the guardian deity came to know about this, he fired “Vajra” — his weapon and hanuman was hit on the jaw, so is the name — “Hanuman, one with disfigured jaw”. Furious Vayudev later made Indradev atone for his doing.

