🌟 The Two-Part Formula for Initial Awakening 🌟
A Simple Method that Really Works
Dear friends,
I have some good news.
After roughly 10 years dabbling in various meditation techniques, something actually worked and produced a subtle but permanent (initial) awakening.
I feel a lot of joy about this.
This “initial awakening” is nothing vague but a very specific milestone, namely a clearance of the energetic “knot” or tension behind the eyes.
This knot relates directly to the “top layer” of the sense of self… that constant feeling of being behind the eyes looking out at the world. You know the one!
This tension is known as the “first bhumi” (a Sanskrit word meaning “ground”) and initial awakening equates to “opening the first bhumi”.
The method I found and used for doing this is called the “Two Part Formula”. It’s very simple and very direct. (Possibly an overly corporate cheesy name but what the hell, you gotta call it something.)
I think it works so well because it aims your attention DIRECTLY at the bullseye (the dominant sense of self), whereas many meditation methods dance around it, or seek to deny/negate the sense of self rather than going right into it and exploring it from the inside.
You could happily meditate for thirty years and miss this energetic knot! Sadly, many do.
Even the Buddha himself practiced jhanas (states of blissful absorption) for 6 years before realising he still had the same problem that he left home with (you guessed it – a sense of self)!
You can read a basic description of the technique here, learn the basic technique on YouTube here and then weave it into your daily routine.
You don’t need any prior meditation experience – in fact it is probably easier this way cos you won’t be full of assumptions about what awakening is like.
You only need to do 1–2 sessions of 30 minutes a day. Something like that. Quality over quantity, consistency over intensity. Keep at it until you see right through the idea of a self sitting there behind your eyes… the tension disappears… and it doesn’t come back!
Then there is an opening: a natural effortless clarity and spaciousness, in which most people enjoy a very lovely “afterglow”. Then you can get going on the subtler knots, systematically opening more bhumis (13 in total) until full awakening.
You can also get a “guidance to awakening” where you exchange regular emails with a guide who will keep you on track until you pop. Very helpful, especially because it may be somewhat gruelling at times… you do have to wade through a bit of mud (layers of unconscious selfing) before arriving at the beach! Find that here.
It took me a few months but it finally happened. Seems like I was a slow one – for many people it only took a few days or weeks, and some without much difficulty at all!
I was convinced to try this by strong anecdotal evidence: interviews and practice reports from people for whom the technique worked. Plus the fact that it worked for a dear friend of mine – that was excellent motivation that this is really possible.
You can investigate that evidence for yourself here:
- In the complementary handbook “Awake!”
- Or if you prefer listening, podcast here (also on YouTube). Earlier episodes most relevant, but they’re all great, especially the “mahasiddha interviews”.
I hope that this may be helpful to you!
I’m not saying this is the only way, or that you “should” try it. Just that it worked for me, and has clearly worked for many other people. No reason that it won’t work for you.
You are welcome to share this post if you think it would be helpful for someone.
Awakening is possible and achievable.
Assess the evidence, decide for yourself.
I believe you can do it!
The 13-Bhumi Mapping of the Subtle (Causal) Body – as taught by Amrita Baba.