Terrestrial space-solar terminals could look like radio telescopes — Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

The Ultimate Clean Energy Is About To Be Unlocked

The company aiming to make 24/7 ultra-powerful solar energy a reality.

Will Lockett
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2022


The quest to save the world from our own self-made apocalypse has driven us into a mad rush to adopt low-carbon energy. We are currently trying to make use of everything from solar to wind to even wave energy. But, while these power sources are low carbon, they aren’t perfect. They take up vast swathes of land, causing rampant and damaging habitat loss. They don’t even produce power reliably, making massive grid-level batteries, which are an environmental nightmare to construct, necessary. Don’t get me wrong, they are better than any fossil fuel, but we can do, and must do, so much better. Luckily, Longi, one of the world’s largest solar panel manufacturers, is developing a way to tap into a near-perfect low-carbon renewable energy source. Space-based solar power. But how does it work? Why is it so environmentally harmonious? And how can Longi unlock it?

Space-based solar power just makes sense. There is no night in space, and as long as satellites are above Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), they can receive 24/7 daylight. In outer space, there is also no atmosphere and no ozone layer to filter out the high-energy UV rays, which account for a large portion of the power that comes from the Sun. Both of these facts mean that a…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at www.planetearthandbeyond.co