The Unknown State And Future of Germany’s New Puma Infantry Vehicle.

Was The Vehicle Simply A Failure In Design? The True Capabilities of This Vehicle Are Staggering.

That Guy, Noah


Picture Shows German Made IFV, Puma. Picture credit: Wikipedia.

Germany, is regarded by some as the greatest weapon manufacturer ever. However, the current state of this vehicle is nothing but bad, even though Germany started its production from 2010.

Even during several World Wars, Germany always made weapons of its own. Germany is now being respected as a reliable good manufacturer, that’s why so many companies boast of the title: “Made In Germany”.

Sadly, that’s not the case with this Infantry fighting vehicle. Germany numerous years back, decided to create “Puma” IFV, that would simply replace the good old “Marder” IFV vehicles.

In fact, Germany has a large stockpile of “Marder” vehicles, that’s why they are sent to Ukraine, in such large quantities. And I have to say, “Marder” vehicles seemed way more reliable than current Puma ones.

The Design.

These vehicles, during the start of their production, were tested in cold and hot weather, both in Norway, and in the United Arab Emirates.

Germany always focused on quality, unlike some other countries. And Germany was simply…



That Guy, Noah

Writer on Russo-Ukraine war, always sharing two sides of the story. Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy supporter.