Theoretical Physics of Motion in the Global Energy Crisis

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4 min readApr 3, 2022
1970s gas shortages via Frank J Aleksandrowicz, NARA, May ‘73.

In summary: What if the wheels of automobiles are cut from energy to power their motion, how much would that be helpful against energy price hikes, increase range for electric and hydrogen vehicles, and cut emissions from gasoline cars?

The motion of turbines is used in multiple power generation plants, but the energy is first converted. Wheels in vehicles are in rotation but need not be used to generate energy, only to feed into an accessory, which can feedback motion into it.

The waves of the global energy crisis may also be a problem of theoretical physics than of harness or sources.

Whenever energy is needed, what portion of it is for motion that can be provided by parallel motion?

Energy is said to be the ability to do work, with types — potential and kinetic. There is the law that it can neither be created nor destroyed, but converted from one form to another. These are limitations considering what to also see, since the objective is often to convert the energy first, not to cut the chase.

What is the one thing that energy is commonly used for? Motion.

Motion seems to germinate energy and that energy is used to create motion. It is the need for motion that makes energy necessary.

Energy, more appropriately, should be defined as the motion capability of a system.

Wherever there is motion, there is energy. Wherever there is energy there can be motion.

Energy is measured in Joule. Potential = mgh. Kinetic = 1/2mv2. Work done = fd.

There are equations of motion, but there is no direct expression of motion, anywhere in mechanics.

Motion, in general, is often described in terms of velocity or acceleration first, before distance or time. Motion starts, then faster.

The equations of motion calculate certain parameters but the case here is an expression of motion, then proportion to energy.

It can be postulated that there is a higher amount of motion produced per unit energy in a system.

Sometimes, energy = 2 x motion — postulation i

motion = acceleration2 x distance — postulation ii

These are possible expressions for motion. The acceleration is squared to account for motion of the object in two planes or dimensions — the regular and another. It could be in a smooth and rough terrain, or towards or away from gravity, or with the wind, or against and so on, to account for friction or resistance.

The extra distance stands alone to show what needs to be covered, adding to existing distances — if acceleration is extricated.

Seeking out motion insularly, holds a key to solving the world’s energy crisis. The world uses what can be called prepared energy, where energy goes through different stages, at scale, to be ready.

However, with motion, there can be usage deduction, so that the amount of energy to use is cut by motion provided at the point of need.

For example, assuming the wheels of a vehicle have direct motion for motion stem on the go, it could reduce energy consumption. What this means is that whatever fraction of combustion powers the wheels gets cut if something else can aid their movement, so necessity to burn— as usual — wanes.

There can be a spin along or recapture thruster attached to the wheels, in a way not to affect function or breaks.

These can be innovated to spin along or capture motion {then provide} for ongoing motion.

If motion is the input — then energy — then motion is the output, in some cases the middle point can be cut, so motion would aid motion, in input to output or output into input.

Simply, if energy provides for exposed motion, how can motion provide for that directly, rather than through energy first?

There are other areas too, if achieved, emissions can be mitigated.

Identification of these, and simulation with deep learning would be a first step then proceeding to mild experiments. Most fans in the world were designed to be powered, not to run in a motion loop. Fans, propeller shaft and wheels would be initial starting point for this project.

Emission is not just a waste or negative of fossil fuels, there is also wasted motion. Since motion drives energy, and that energy then powers motion, the resulting motion goes to waste, like in wheels, fans and shafts. If motion directly powers motion, at least in wheels, vehicles — electric or gasoline can have a longer range or mileage.

With energy and motion, there is also sound. Wherever there is motion, there is sound. If the sound cannot be heard or measured, it can be approximated.

Motion can be created {or say started} or destroyed {or say stopped}. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed — if initial ultimate motion is not regarded.

The use of motion for energy is the key to motional appendage across energy needs.

Working on possible tools with a theory of energy and motion, as described, would be of great worth for motion efficiency, clean energy, sustainability and energy sufficiency across nations and the world.




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