There’s a New Profession in Town — Content Creator

Perhaps I am just getting old, but I have just learned that Content Creator is an actual profession. I don’t quite know what to make of this information but it kept me busy for a couple of hours.

Asmund Frost
3 min readMay 22, 2022


I assume that the concept of content creation has been around for a while but the fact that there is an actual occupation associated with this concept has passed under the radar. I didn’t immediately understand what it meant when I first heard about it. It sounded like “stuff maker” or “void filler”, something that urged for a better or more precise description. So, I did some research on the subject and to my surprise I found shiploads of information here on Medium.

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

It seems that the most important thing for a Content Creator is to gain followers. At least half of all the available content is about how to spread the content and link it to other contents. And in order to grow your audience there are apparently thousands of tips and tricks available.

These “tricks” cover everything from the number of words and catchy punchlines to publication and distribution through as many channels as possible. Remember to promote other creators and add links to their contents. Make use of friends, Facebook, twitter and other content creators and you can grow your audience by 35%.

There is plenty of statistics available, telling you who clapped and who commented, how many minutes was spent reading and the fraction of viewers that just clicked the button but never bothered to read the actual content.

And you can reuse your story. In the age of recycling you can also recycle your content — just change some headlines and images and you have a new story. Helpful content makers will advice you how to add key words, tags, eye catchers and click bates to improve the hit rate. It’s all about keeping the reader on the hook and squeeze as many reading minutes as you can.

The ultimate goal is of course the money. Medium allows you to make money out of your content, given that as many readers as possible will digest your content, spending as much time as possible. The best reader is the omnivore with a mild degree of dyslexia and with a lot of spare time.

When it comes to the money there is an infinite number of stories elaborating on how much and how often you have to write to make a certain amount of money and how and when it will be payed out. The magic trick is essentially about staying focused and keep writing content, clicking like buttons and gaining followers.

This is basically what I have learned about content creation. The whole business idea seems to be about invoicing. If you play your cards well, then there is a fair chance that you will be able to increase your invoicing over time. Once you get it rolling, the business is self-sustaining.

So far I have learned a great deal about the magic of content creation. The only thing that I haven’t sorted out yet, is where I can find information about the actual stuff that you are supposed to put into the content. But I am sure that the answer is out there, I just need to stay focused and determined and gain followers.



Asmund Frost

Unbridled observer with a general interest in cosmology, philosophy and all the questions of life that cannot be answered by an equation.