This is the Future of Banner Ads

Onwe Chinasa
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2018
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Recently, I was reading through a very beautifully researched story here on Medium, where the author told a story about his findings on the competition between Google, Amazon and Apple; with the title, This is How Google will Collapse. In my usual style, I don’t just read a post and walk away. I also enjoy reading through the comments and contributions from other readers even when I have none to make. For me, reading through comments and contributions on any post does two things:

  1. It helps me get a broader view of the subject matter from the view points of other readers or some times experts in the field of discourse.
  2. I often pick inspiration for topics to write about in my writing engagements. Example of that is this article. Yes, this very one that you are reading!

As I read through the hot debate in the comment box, I came across this question from one of the contributors:

Did nobody notice this is a cleverly disguised Amazon ad?

And that got my attention!

If that inspiring story was an ad on the internet where most people are more interested in writing SEO enabled articles or even hosting banners for the purposes of high impression, conversions and click rates? Then that is a good concept. I said to myself.

The Future of Banner Ads has Become Blurry

The truth is that there is already a paradigm shift in the banner advertising approach. This is because people are also tired of the obstructions of ads during their research periods on the internet. So, these days, most people hardly turn their attention to any ad. Some even go as far as making a subscription for mostly banner ads to be blocked on their devices during browsing.

“When people go online, they hone in on content and block out everything around that,” concurred Mike Volpe, chief marketing officer at HubSpot.

Making Your Banner Ad Content Based is the Key

No doubt, as observed by Doug Dimon, creative director at ad agency Definition 6, “Banners are the closest thing in the digital world to traditional ad space, and as long as ads in any medium continue to be used, I think the use of banners will endure.” However, with any ads,” we need to offer the consumer some kind of value, whether that’s a new experience, great content, or the bread-and-butter offer-type message,” Dimon maintained.

This means, anything that discourages pop-ups, social media ads, and misleading banners demanding a “CLICK HERE NOW” like a well researched article or story around the goods and services you are promoting is a go go; provided it doesn’t disrupt the overall tone and feel of the article.

Therefore, in the future of especially banner ads, this is how advertising is going to be accomplished;

Disguise them as articles that people will care about, write them in a voice that’s hard to distinguish from someone who *isn’t* actually getting paid.

With that you would be giving respect and value to your consumers as suggested by Dimon.

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