This Is What Cities Should Look Like In Ten Years

Luxe jungles, moveable homes, and building for resilience



Illustration by the author

With the climate emergency crescendoing in real and tangible ways for larger and larger parts of the population, we need to look deeper into how our cities and the communities within them can adapt. The following decade will be nothing short of an upheaval.

Those in power hung onto business as usual for far too long, and now we have to do a century's work in just a few years—a shoutout to fossil fuel daddies and their enablers.

In the coming decades, our communities will have to withstand natural disasters; — such as wildfires, floods and droughts, and be as self-sufficient as possible.

Decentralisation and (re)distribution have to become the motto of our century if we want to build resilience. We must focus on decentralised energy, work, farming, and food production.

We need to restructure companies, give ownership and agency to workers, and place people over capital.

Systemic change is the only way, not because I preach the one and only true religion, but because there is no way we can correct the problems caused by the system within the system.




Solarpunk, ecological economist🪐 Rethinking culture, future, equality, science, climate 🌍 Big Picture& Brand Naming📧 For projects: