This Medium tool for links and search engines

Diop Papa Makhtar
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2021
a Creative image about Medium writing by Darius Foroux

When you use google doc editor you have the @ keyword that can help you link your document to other content like other google Docs documents or sheets. In Medium also the @ can be used to tag someone like what I am doing with myself right here Diop Makhtar but with google doc when you select a piece of text and click on the link button it suggest you a list of documents that are in your google storage space and it does it using the selected words as insight for a list of linkable content suggestion. here is how it works

Example of how Google doc handle linking

I think that after my one and more years of experience in using the editor of Medium this kind of feature matters for medium writers because most of the time we are linking our actual article to the ones we have written in the past and what we all do is go to the listing of articles to find this article that we want to link to. I have already said in this article how difficult it was for medium writers to find the past articles because of the lack of filtering options. Medium stories listing offer only infinite scrolling like this

The medium stories listing infinite scrolling

What I am highlighting is not about easing SEO work but helping writer guide their readers because this medium is about highlighting ideas and things that matter and these ideas and things may require many articles to be understood by the target reader.

For more exposing the importance of this feature let me also highlight to you this search engine feature that could be based on insights that are based on this feature. For search engine algorithms the date of creation of two linked web pages could be signal that the writer of the published content has made effort to search content and is contributing to the organization and classification of online content. For example, I just published an hour ago an article about Fahim Saleh and reminded myself about the one I had written about tony Hsieh, Two tech entrepreneurs who passed away, and this second article that I have written helped me become informed about this event that Zappos and las vegas organized in Memorium of late Tony. To say that easing link building ease for a content platform is the same as easing content discovery. But while I am writing these words I cannot still find this article in my medium past articles then this article about Salem Saleh that I have written is published without a link with the one about Tony Hsieh making it difficult for a search engine AI to know that This two are the same that I am honoring two tech entrepreneur while highlighting other content about tech entrepreneurship.

About search engines, if we use the perspective of graph theory to describe the job of an online content writer and publisher we could see that she is acting like an algorithm that is connecting isolated nodes and a search engine could use Kosaraju’s algorithm to detect the connectedness of nodes that are webpages. But all these features that I am highlighting could be implemented for this journalistic platform and this top1k search engine, two tech-enabled ideas that I am working on but I am about sharing and I don't mind if others implement my ideas before I do.

PS: In this article, I said many times medium writer. As a joke let me tell you that I am really a bad writer, not a medium one. Thank you very much Darius Foroux, this is the second time I use your very creative image. Thank you for the great job you're doing.

