Coal Power Plant — Photo by Billy Joachim on Unsplash

This One Thing Is Killing The Planet

And we already have the solution to stop it.

Will Lockett
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2024


Want to know something terrifying? We can’t seem to quit the one thing dragging us towards a climate apocalypse. A report by Global Energy Monitor found that global coal capacity grew by 2% last year. The West is trying to phase out this dirty and toxic energy source, but economic conditions are significantly slowing this down, meaning only 21 GW of coal power was retired last year. Meanwhile, 69.5 GW of brand-new coal power plants came online, two-thirds of which were in China and the rest in Asia, the Indo-Pacific and Africa. This meant the global coal capacity grew by a massive 48.5 GW in 2023, the greatest increase since 2016! Why is this a problem? Well, not only is coal power by far the most deadly power source we have, being over 1,000 times more deadly per unit of energy than nuclear power, but it is also the leading contributor to our rapid slide toward climate and environmental Armageddon. Let me explain.

Let’s delve into the facts. Coal power is the most polluting form of energy, emitting a staggering 950 g of carbon dioxide per kWh of energy. To put this into perspective, solar and wind energy hovers around 5g — 10g per kWh, and natural gas emits about 350g per kWh. Despite coal accounting for only 36% of the global energy mix, it’s responsible for a staggering 73% of…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at