Felicity Harley
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2020


I came across this today and it’s just wonderful.

I became intrigued with quantum physics eight years ago. Since I’m a novelist and social scientist, I was obsessed with trying to put all of the concepts so beautifully described above into the format of a readable novel. Unlike Assimov or Lem I was batting around in the dark of considerable scientific ignorance.

I have eschewed science my whole life and hated chemistry and biology in school. Remember bunsen burners? Remember cutting up frogs? Well you know what I mean. I never made it to physics. As for math I loathed artithmetic and calculus, tolerated algebra and enjoyed geometry.

Every textbook I had in school contained my latest novel written in between its lines. I was a Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats kind of girl. I loved the French existentialists like Camus and Mauriac. Then as I matured moved onto so many other brilliant writers including Bukowsky, Kerouac, Miller, Tennessee Williams, and now more recently Octavia Butler, Deborah Levy, Richard Powers, Tove Jansson, Blake Crouch and Phillip Pullman.

By the way Pullman’s Golden Compass/His Dark Materials on HBO is a must watch for those intrigued with parallel universes.



Felicity Harley

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.