Top 10 IoT Security Issues and Solutions to Prevent Your Devices from Threats

Lynsey PT from Adamo Software
Published in
11 min read3 days ago

As technology evolves and cybersecurity becomes more crucial than ever, explore these top 10 IoT security issues and solutions to keep your devices safe now!

IoT Security Issues
IoT Security Issues

The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed our lives, allowing us to connect devices and create a smarter and more automated world. However, with this convenience comes new challenges: IoT security issues.

In this article, we’ll look into the top 10 IoT security issues that can leave your devices vulnerable to hackers. We’ll also provide you with practical solutions to keep you and your business safe from cyber threats.

I. What is IoT Security?

IoT security refers to the specific methods and procedures designed to protect the privacy of devices within the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s all about protecting the entire interconnected ecosystem of smart devices (e.g., sensors, actuators, and networks) from possible cyberattacks and data breaches.

One of the major challenges associated with IoT security issues is that its vulnerability increases along with its connectivity. The more interconnected these devices become, the easier it is for hackers to attack them. This creates a significant risk, especially if many manufacturers don’t prioritize incorporating security measures, leaving users to deal with the risks themselves.

While it might be hard, or even impossible, to be 100% safe from cyberattacks, it is definitely crucial to recognize possible IoT security issues and come up with a plan to deal with them.

II. The Importance of IoT Privacy Issues

The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding, connecting many of our everyday objects like TV, refrigerators, washing machines, and even cars to the Internet. As exciting and promising as it might seem, the current situation of IoT security issues is also alarming and requires serious attention.

This large network of interconnected devices is a golden opportunity for hackers to steal users’ data and use it unethically. The more devices become connected, the more criminals would find ways to exploit weaknesses in IoT security, which can lead to serious consequences.

However, the risks are not limited just to individuals with personal devices. As factories and power plants become more connected (known as the Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT), successful hacks could cause serious disruptions to businesses, delay their operations, or even cause physical damage. IoT is now also a major technology in the healthcare industry, known as IoMT, or Internet of Medical Things. Just imagine how horrible the consequences of a cyberattack aimed at these medical devices would be. Not only patients’ personal records but their lives are also all at risk.

Therefore, the sooner we are aware of IoT security issues and the importance of having a coping mechanism for it, the better. Let’s find out 10 IoT security issues that you need to be aware of down below.

III. Explore 10 Security Issues of IoT that Attack Against Your IoT Devices

10 Security Issues of IoT that Attack Against Your IoT Devices
10 Security Issues of IoT that Attack Against Your IoT Devices

1. Weak Authentication

Authentication is the act of confirming one’s identity before allowing access to any device, network, or system. Authentication is especially important for IoT devices, and therefore, weak authentication process is major problem among IoT security issues, which could put you at such risks as:

  • Unknown people can access your IoT devices
  • Misuse sensitive data in those devices
  • Personal and other important data get stolen and published against your will

If your authentication process is not given enough attention and has little to no privacy, you might want to think again and do something about it.

2. Vulnerabilities in Firmware & Software

Firmware, the low-level instructions that control your device’s hardware, and software, the applications you use, both play a role in IoT security issues. Outdated firmware or weak software in these devices can be the chance for hackers to do their crimes, causing you many problems. For instance:

  • Hackers can sneak into your IoT devices without permission.
  • Your devices might not work properly anymore.
  • Hackers can hack other devices on the same network.
  • Hackers might mess with how your device works.
  • Hackers could steal your data.

These vulnerabilities can also be exploited by hackers to take control of multiple devices and coordinate large cyberattacks, often called botnets.

3. Inadequate Encryption

Encryption is like a security shield for data transmitted between IoT devices and networks. It transforms the information into an unreadable format, so that only authorized parties can understand it. This process protects sensitive information from being exposed and used for wrong purposes.

Neglecting the importance of strong encryption system can lead to some IoT security issues like:

  • Hackers can easily access and view your information if it’s not encrypted
  • Weak encryption makes it easier for unauthorized users to gain access to sensitive data
  • Unencrypted data is vulnerable to tampering or modification during transmission
  • Weak encryption can lead to data breaches, which can result in legal repercussions or damage your reputation

Encryption is now a vital part of our daily life, appearing everywhere from our messaging apps to online shopping platforms. Therefore, it is a must-have feature if you want to keep your IoT system updated and secure.

4. Insufficient Privacy Security

While IoT devices offer convenience by collecting and using your data, it can really turn into a big problem when your data is taken without your consent. This lack of transparency around data sharing with third parties is among the most serious IoT security issues.

Here’s how weak privacy security in IoT can negatively affect you:

  • You have limited say in how your information is used
  • Your sensitive data could be used for malicious purposes
  • Hackers might steal your personal information for fraudulent activities
  • Data breaches
  • Someone could snoop on your personal details
  • Loss of trust in IoT devices

Remember, there’s really no such thing as “free” online services — the cost might be your very own data. Always be mindful of what information you share with your IoT devices.

5. Lack of Standardization

Having a collection of smart devices from different brands might seem great and all, but they might cause some serious IoT security issues. This lack of standardization between various IoT devices creates a messy IoT ecosystem, which can lead to some problems like:

  • Struggles in trying to connect devices from different brands
  • Security gaps that leave your devices in danger
  • A fractured IoT ecosystem
  • Increased security concerns and loss of users’ trust
  • Communication breakdown between devices

Standardization is a common language that helps ensure smooth communication and reduces security risks. That’s why you need to choose devices carefully from brands with great reputation on this aspect whenever possible. It will create a more secure and cohesive IoT experience.

6. Lack of Resources for Security

The increasing development and intricacy of IoT systems pose a significant challenge for both organizations and individuals to distribute resources effectively for security measures. Time, money, expertise, and technology are all essential for maintaining good practices and keeping your devices away from potential IoT security issues. A lack of resources can lead to:

  • Susceptibility to cyberattacks
  • Data breaches
  • Compromised device functionality
  • Ability to detect and respond to security incidents
  • Damage to trust or reputation

It is indeed crucial that security must always be among the top concerns for management and that suitable resources should be allocated to improve the security of IoT systems. However, sometimes the demand for human resources to maintain this balance could exceed the actual labor supply, making it hard for companies to effectively find a solution to these IoT security issues.

7. Physical Security Risks

Another one among the many IoT security issues is physical security risks. Unlike traditional IT systems, IoT devices are tangible assets, which makes them vulnerable to physical threats. Insecure physical installations and a lack of monitoring can really endanger your IoT devices.

Some of the risks could be:

  • Theft or loss of IoT devices
  • Tampering (leading to exposure of data)
  • Destruction or damage to the IoT device
  • Unauthorized access (which can lead to manipulation of the device)

When it comes to protecting physical devices, it’s critical that your employees know how to act. They need to report any suspicious activity as soon as possible or something as simple as securing a device when it’s not being used.

8. Vulnerabilities in Supply Chain

Among the IoT security issues, supply chain vulnerabilities are a complex one. Manufacturing, assembling, distribution, and maintenance are all the important parts of an IoT device’s useful life. However, these stages also have vulnerabilities that can be threats to your IoT security level.

Problems can include weak components, damaged firmware, fake devices, or insecure software. This can lead to:

  • Altered device functionality
  • Compromised data integrity
  • Unauthorized access to sensitive data
  • Manipulation of IoT devices
  • Increased risk of cyberattacks

Your IoT system depends on many factors, so you definitely need to choose your service providers wisely.

9. Limited Awareness and Education

The lack of awareness is unquestionably one of the most critical IoT security issues on this list. Users, organizations, and sometimes even manufacturers may have little to no knowledge of cybersecurity. Their primary focus tends to be on functionalities and usability instead of security. Hence, this results in a lack of emphasis on IoT security in both personal and professional settings, which leads to some consequences such as:

  • Lack of security measures
  • Unawareness of potential threats
  • Cyberattacks and data breaches
  • Compromised device functionality

Cybersecurity illiteracy is at an alarming rate when a global report from Norton in 2021 revealed that 53% of adults admit they lack knowledge on how to protect themselves from cybercrime. This has been one of the primary reasons why IoT security issues are getting more and more severe.

10. Unsecured Communication Channels

This is the vulnerability that happens in the networks where data is transmitted between IoT devices. When communication channels lack security mechanisms, hackers can take advantage of this and access your data, which cause several IoT security issues like:

  • Unauthorized access to data
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Compromised device functionality
  • Eavesdropping
  • Data breaches

Moreover, having an insecure network will put not only one but multiple IoT devices at risk of being hacked.

IV. How to Resolve IoT Security Issues?

While there’s probably no magic way to solve all those IoT security issues, here are some practical steps you can take to minimize risks and keep your IoT safe:

How to Resolve IoT Security Issues
How to Resolve IoT Security Issues
  • Appoint an IoT Admin: Especially for companies that adopt the remote work model, it is crucial to appoint someone to manage both devices and the network. This helps address security gaps since IT might have limited control over home networks.
  • Lock Down Your Wi-Fi: Enable your router’s firewall, disable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), use strong passwords, and choose the WPA2 security protocol. Secure router settings are a must.
  • Know Your Network’s Baseline: Monitor your network’s usual activity (speed, bandwidth usage) and individual device behavior. Any abnormal signs could be a possible indication of malware.
  • Segment Your Network: Isolating IoT devices on a separate network from personal devices and guests can help minimize attacks. This allows you to contain breaches and separate suspicious devices.
  • Network Security for All: While IoT devices can expose your network, you can actually use that very network for enhanced security by implementing security measures that cover all connected devices.
  • Cloud Security Matters: As IoT and cloud integration become more widely used, you need to ensure security for both. Cloud-based solutions can even enhance security, especially if your devices have limited processing power.
  • Layer Up Your Security: Limited configurability on some IoT devices can make the journey to IoT security become a little bit complicated. You may consider using security solutions that have multiple layers and endpoint encryption to make up for the limitations.
  • Understand Device Protocols: IoT devices communicate using various protocols, not just Wi-Fi. Understanding protocols like Bluetooth and NFC is crucial for system security.
  • Secure Your GPS Reliance: Relying on just GPS for important applications is very risky. GPS signals can be stuck or faked. Companies should always monitor GPS data and explore other alternatives like RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) or DGPS (Differential GPS) for better security.

As technology evolves, so do the IoT security issues. Always stay informed and adapt your security measures to keep your ecosystem safe from any kinds of potential IoT security issues.

V. Discover IoT Security Breaches: Examples and Best Practices

Let’s look at some real-world cases of how IoT security issues have put companies in big troubles over the last few years:

  • Mirai Botnet Attack: In 2016, hundreds of thousands of compromised devices were hijacked to form a huge botnet called Mirai. The cyberattack from this botnet forced some major streaming platforms like Spotify and Netflix to stop working.
Mirai Botnet Attack in 2016
Mirai Botnet Attack in 2016
  • VPNFilter Malware: In 2018, more than half a million routers in 50 countries were infected with VPNFilter malware. It could steal information, disrupt network traffic, and even infect other devices connected to your router.
  • Tesla Model X Hack: In 2020, a security researcher managed to hack into Tesla Model X after just two minutes by taking advantage of a Bluetooth vulnerability. This is a typical example of how risky it can be to rely solely on wireless car keys.
  • Verkada Camera Hack: The last case happened in 2021, when hackers breached into Verkada, a security camera company, gaining access to 150,000 cameras in real time. These cameras were all set up in sensitive locations like schools, hospitals, and prisons.

Although these are just a few examples, they really showcase the importance of strong IoT security practices. Now what can you do to reduce the risks of these IoT security issues? Let’s explore some key steps you can take to protect your network:

  • Stay Updated: Go for devices with frequent software updates from the manufacturer. Outdated software creates vulnerabilities. Apply updates promptly, whether automatic or downloaded from the distributor’s website.
  • Strong Passwords: Use strong passwords for all your devices and your Wi-Fi network. Aim for at least 12 characters with a mix of upper/lower case letters, symbols, and numbers. Avoid common phrases and consider a password manager for easy management.
  • Wi-Fi Encryption: Use a strong encryption method (at least WPA2) for your router to secure your network and communications. Replace older options like WEP and WPA as soon as possible as they are vulnerable to attacks.
  • Guest Network: For stronger home network security, create a separate Wi-Fi network for guests with WPA2 encryption and a strong password. This isolates the potential risks of strange devices from your main network.
  • Privacy Settings: Review the default privacy and security settings on your IoT devices and adjust them to how you’d like. Additionally, spend some extra time reading the privacy policy to understand how your data is handled.
  • Disable Unused Features: Turn off features you don’t use on your IoT devices (e.g., Bluetooth on a smartwatch). This reduces potential attacks without impacting devices’ functionality.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your IoT devices if possible. It provides extra security for your devices besides strong passwords.
  • Public Wi-Fi Caution: Be mindful when using public Wi-Fi with your IoT devices. Consider using a VPN for added security on public networks.

By following these best practices and staying informed about IoT security issues, you can minimize risks and keep your smart devices safe.



Lynsey PT from Adamo Software
Writer for

As an expert in technology industry as well as business development, I assure you that my insights will be valuable to you