Top 5 Trends of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2021

To create artificial intelligence applications, you must be aware of the latest AI trends to follow in 2021. Take a look to my list of the latest AI trends that I have prepared for the AI/ML developers.

Amyra Sheldon
6 min readMar 12, 2019


source: Google Images

To estimate the trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2021, we need to remember that 2018 witnessed a multitude of platforms, artificial intelligence applications, and tools which are based on machine learning.

These trends in Artificial Intelligence that are mentioned in this blog will let you know the recent development in Artificial Intelligence application development technology.

Such technology trends laid huge implications on software and the Internet industry. Furthermore, its effects on fields like healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, and automobile are worth-noticing.

The advancement of ML and Artificial Intelligence applications will have a long journey in 2021, or even further. Future of AI seems bright and it is supported by the fact mentioned further:

Well-reputed companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, ValueCoders, Microsoft, and the like are investing a lot in the research and development of AI, which will definitely bring consumers and AI closer.

Furthermore, we have enlisted some (AI) Artificial Intelligence trends in 2021 to facilitate your understanding.

Top 5 trends of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2021:

  1. Deep learning:

Deep learning is an Artificial Intelligence form, which develops algorithms called artificial neural networks working by modeling the human brain function and structure.

Deep learning Technology trends

Machine learning has been in demand for a long time, however, jobs including deep learning have risen 45 fold between 2018 and 2020.

Numerous areas of Artificial intelligence applications and technologies like computer vision, autonomous vehicles, automatic text generation and so on are the fields where deep learning use is at its peak.

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2. Facial Recognition:

Despite having a great deal of negative press recently, facial recognition technology is regarded as the Artificial Intelligence applications future due to its immense popularity. It promises immense growth in 2021, and further.

Source: Google Images

Facial recognition, an artificial intelligence application form, helps identify a person with their digital image or patterns of their facial features.

The year 2021will witness a growth in the use of facial recognition technology with more reliability and enhanced accuracy.

Let’s take two examples: the use of Facebook’s Deepface program to simply tag users’ family and friends in the their photos, and the use of facial recognition in the famous IPhoneX as a digital password.

These days, we are moving towards making all personalized, whether shopping or advertising and so on. As a result, this technology must be used for biometric identification to a large extent.

Moreover, it will not face any obstacle on its way owing to the non-invasive identification and simple deployment.

Some other uses like payment processing by means of security checks and for law enforcement (for early detection prevention of crime) will be at the peak.

Facial recognition technologies can also make its own value in the healthcare field too for following through clinical trials and medical diagnostic procedures.

Openwater, an imaging technology forerunner capable of reading images from our brains, is likely to have a bright future.

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3. Privacy and Policy:

The introduction of GDPR became the talk of the town in 2020. And, 2021 seems to experience further privacy and policy conversations. It’s important for privacy protection and sincere access to data privacy.

Privacy Protection- Artificial intelligence technology

Mostly, people don’t know about the way in which their digital information is being used in artificial intelligence application development. Such information is lost in the fineprint many times and other times not even informed about its use.

The finest example is Facebook’s latest issue related to privacy policies. Privacy and policy will have much bigger importance in 2021.

The matter of consent of use of a system, particularly around artificial intelligence applications would be huge providing that the laws that surround AI are still new and require further understanding.

All countries across the world would keep working on strategies and initiatives for the guidance of artificial intelligence (AI) regulation development.

Criteria that are necessary to make sure that transparency, safety, and awareness of the complex technologies of AI would be developed too.

With the pace of growing digital world the cyber security is definitely becoming a concern for which Hiring the best Machine Learning application developers has turn to be the necessity.

4. AI-Enabled Chips

Artificial intelligence heavily banks on specialized processors completing the CPU. Even the highly-advanced CPU may not improve the speed of training an AI model.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

When inferencing, the model requires extra hardware to do complex mathematical computations to make tasks faster like facial recognition and object detection.

In the year 2021, chip manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, ARM, AMD, and Qualcomm will ship specialized chips capable of making the execution of artificial intelligence applications much faster.

Moreover, Qualcomm early identification program has been designed to develop, maintain and implement software for the most complicated wireless devices within mobiles.

Such chips will be optimized for particular utilization and scenarios concerning computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing.

Future artificial intelligence applications from the automobile and healthcare industries will bank on these chips to provide intelligence to end-users. In a nutshell, AI-enabled chips turn out as the current trend in artificial intelligence.

In 2021, hyperscale infrastructure organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google will invest more in custom chips that are based on field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuits (ASIC).

To run modern workloads based on AI and high performance computing (HPC), these chips will be optimized. Some of these chips will also help advanced databases to enhance query processing and predictive analytics.

5. Role of Cloud in Artificial Intelligence Applications

According to an expert report, the largest public cloud providers will have a rise in 2021, on the other hand, enterprise spending will increase.

Cloud- Artificial intelligence future

The six well-known hyperscale cloud leaders Amazon Web Service (AWS), Alibaba, Google, IBM, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle will become larger in 2021, as per the report prediction, as service catalogues and global regions expand.

At the same time, the world cloud computing market which includes cloud platforms, Saas, and business services will cross $200 billion in the year, expanding above 20%, as per the report estimation.


We dealt with top 5 trends of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2021in this blog to let you know the importance of modern technologies like facial recognition, artificial intelligence applications, AI-enabled chips, Cloud, deep learning and privacy and policy.

Having known all of them, we can have a clear of idea of Artificial Intelligence future trends.

Thus, to hire best AI/ML developers to get all this done smoothly, you should try the companies outsourcing highly-trained experts who know the true value of your dream and are experienced in developing the latest Artificial Intelligence applications can deliver you the best.

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Amyra Sheldon

I am a tech enthusiast, project manager and a passionate writer with digital thinking. I write about latest technologies ie Blockchain, IoT, AI for ValueCoders.