Twitter isn’t Tesla or SpaceX

Musk’s success was based on building on and improving industries with proven business models. But, Twitter is a media company…



Image Courtesy: Rosaura Ochoa — Creative Commons (Altered)

Ah, the tech bro Elon Musk love fest continues unabated.

It’s weird to watch grown men — the fandom, unsurprisingly, largely tilts male — beating their breasts and clutching their pearls as the oft-saluted market forces take out the new drywall on Musk’s recent Twitter renovations.

What’s weird is they don’t just appear to be egging on his behavior, they make astonishingly strange assertions, like this post which appeared on LinkedIn recently comparing Musk’s takeover of Twitter to Steve Jobs’ legendary return to Apple.

Apple? Meet orange. Unlike Apple, Twitter has absolutely zero products consumers are willing to pay for. Even before Jobs’ return, Apple had multiple revenue streams and services, what it didn’t have was market share. At the time, Microsoft was the laptop and desktop behemoth entering into cloud services.

Musk may understand auto manufacturing and rocket science, but, let’s be honest, dozens of…




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