Ukraine Wars Poses Serious Threats to Children — We Must Help!

Syed Shoeb
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2022

The deaths of more than 90 children reported in the Russia-Ukraine war pose immediate and growing threats to the lives of the country’s 7.5 million children and show that all war is always ‘war against children’. It also fears me that more innocent children will be lost if the war does not stop immediately.

Isn’t it terrifying to see how overnight, their lives have turned disastrous?

While their parents are fighting for their nation and families, Children are praying for the sake of their loved ones every second they breathe. Despite no front-line experience of wartime events, they’re ready to fight.

How sad it makes me think that if the war doesn’t stop, probably, children will be the only ones left behind to account for what happened to their parents, communities, and homelands.

As the need for manpower is multiplying by the hour as the battle intensifies, children continue to be killed, wounded, and deeply traumatized by the devastating violence all around them.

Ukraine has already been surrounded by conflicts for the past eight years and has suffered through lasting harm. Now, with homes, schools, orphanages, and even the hospitals all have come under attack, the immediate and very real threat to Children in Ukraine has grown drastically.

As reported till the 10th of March, more than 1 million children had fled from Ukraine as the war continues to ravage the country. Displaced children seem to be at the heightened risk of violence, exploitation, and abuse, especially, the girls are at greater risk of gender-based violence when sheltering. Meanwhile, food, water, and sanitation facilities have been hit, leaving millions without access to hygienic food, drinkable water, etc.

Well, this whole situation is gut-wrenching and we can’t do anything, just wait for the war to stop. But there’s one way I could extend my support and contribute to helping Children in war.

Thankfully, organizations like SavetheChildrenDAO are working with NGOs and relief institutes to reach vulnerable, homeless, and needy children with essential services like health, education, protection, food, water, sanitation, life-saving supplies, and everything that it takes to Save the Children.

You Can Also Help Children & Their Families Struggling in Ukraine with SavetheChildrenDAO!

SavetheChildrenDAO is working around the clock to extend monetary support for children in war. I truly liked their idea of enabling users to donate crypto assets and giving them token rewards in return. This is easier yet more interesting.

I donated and got $Children in return as rewards.

The situation in Ukraine is miserable and I believe if today it’s them, tomorrow it can be us too. So, I took a step forward and donated my crypto assets to support SavetheChildrenDAO.

You can also do it! Actually, you must do it!

  • Just visit their website, click on the contribute button or directly land here.
  • Connect your preferred wallet.
  • Enter the amount you’d like to donate and submit.

All crypto assets you donate will be considered a donation to the DAO’s treasury that’s governed by SavetheChildrenDAO.

In return, all donors will be rewarded $CHILDREN at the rate of 1,000,000 $CHILDREN/BNB.

I highly appreciate what SavetheChildrenDao is doing and support them in their vision to Save Children and make the world a better place for them. It’d be great if we all come together and help organizations like SavetheChildrenDAO. We together can make an impact, we together can change the world!

Final Reminder

Your contribution has the power to uplift children residing in the conflicted areas. A small amount we donate can change the life of a child. It can help him lead a normal life like others, have proper nutrition, education, and basic protection.

Just recall the faces of those children in dire situations, imagine how horrible their life is, and how your small donation can make times better for them.



Syed Shoeb

Building DeFi and crypto products | Thought Leader Hackernoon, Bitcoin Market Journal | Most viewed Crypto Columnist on Quora