Understanding the Science Behind Females Acting like Males — the “Tomboys”

Breaking down gender norms and stereotypes through science

Christa Brian


Tomboys frequently defy societal standards in a world where gender norms and expectations have long been ingrained. These girls have fascinated several individuals because they have characteristics and hobbies often associated with men. Science has begun to shed some light on the complicated world of tomboys as knowledge of gender identity and expression develops.

What Makes A Tomboy?

Photo by Vladislav Todorov on Unsplash

The term “Tomboy” refers to a girl or woman who exhibits traits, behaviors, or interests traditionally associated with boys or men. This could include anything from clothing choices and hobbies to communication styles and attitudes. For example, a young girl with short hair and a baseball cap who enjoys sports more than makeup or dolls will be considered a tomboy in our society.

A number of people would have differing views on this definition, leading to several queries about why they behave this way. Psychologists claim that an individual can exhibit male and female traits at different times. The researchers believe that the meaning of tomboy could be culturally influenced and that the purpose is still changing. However, these queries could be answered…



Christa Brian

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