Unlocking the Matrix : could you be living in a stimulated world?

Subho Ghosh
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2023

Discover the mind-bending theory of simulated reality - is life as we know it a lie?

Image by Standret from Freepik

Think about it! Maybe that annoying co-worker of yours, the one who always eats your lunch from the office fridge, is just a simulated character programmed to cause frustration in your virtual reality. Or maybe that dream vacation you've been planning for years is just a fabricated experience to keep you content in this so-called "simulation"

It’s a concept that’s been explored in science fiction movies and books, but could it actually be true? As someone who’s fascinated by the possibilities of science and technology, i can’t help but wonder about the implications of living in a simulated reality.

Let’s dive into the mind-boggling concept of a simulated reality

Where the world we think is real might actually be a figment of a computer’s imagination. It’s like we are all in a sci-fi novel, with our bodies just pawns in a high-stakes game of computer chess. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder, your coffee cup turns into a Rubik’s cube and your coworker’s face becomes a cat. Yep, it’s official - you’re living in a simulation. Time to put down the caffeine and start practicing your computer programming, folks. (Hahahaha, jokes apart!)

It’s a fascinating concept, but is there any evidence to support it? Some scientists and philosophers argue that it’s impossible to prove that we’re not living in a stimulation. In fact, Elon Musk has said that there’s a one in billionChance that we’re not living in a Simulation. That’s a staggering statistic, and it certainly makes you wonder.

But why would a civilization want to create a simulated reality?

There are 5 big possibilities i think could be the reasons, such as-

  • Conducting experiments: By creating a simulated reality, a civilization could study human behavior and reactions to various situations and stimuli. This could be useful for fields such as psychology, sociology, and even economics.
  • Entertainment and escapism: Just as we use movies, books, and video games for entertainment and escapism, a civilization could create a simulated reality as a form of entertainment for its inhabitants.
  • Escaping physical limitations: The physical world may have limitations that a civilization wants to escape, such as the limits of gravity or the need for sustenance. In a simulated reality, these limitations could be removed or altered, allowing for new experiences and possibilities.
  • Control and power: A civilization could use a simulated reality as a means of control over its inhabitants. For example, by manipulating the environment and experiences of those in the simulation, a ruling class could maintain power over the population.
  • Preserving memories and experiences: A civilization could use a simulated reality to preserve the memories and experiences of past civilizations or individuals for historical or educational purposes.

If a civilization has reached the point where they can create a stimulation that’s indistinguishable from the reality, it’s possible that they’ve also found a way to transcend the physical world altogether.

So, what are the implications of living in a simulated reality? For one, it means that everything we think we know about the world could be false. Our memories, experiences, and perceptions could all be fabricated". It’s a scary thought, but it’s also an opportunity to question everything we think we know about the world.

But how do we even begin to test the simulation theory?

It’s a Question that’s been haunting Philosophers and sci-fi enthusiasts for decades, and for good reason. The very fabric of our reality could be nothing more than an elaborate computer program. So, how can we tell if we’re living in stimulation? One approach is to start searching for “glitches” in the Matrix. If our reality is just a digital construct, there might be telltale signs of “errors” or “inconsistencies” that give away the game. But if that sounds too Matrix-y for you. There’s another way: We could try “hacking” the system by creating our own mini-stimulation within the stimulation. by building our own virtual worlds, we could gain insight into the nature of our reality and potentially even hack our way out of the Matrix.

But until we have concrete evidence to support the stimulation theory, it’s all just speculation. That being said, the concept of a stimulated reality raises some interesting philosophical questions. For example, if our reality is just a stimulation, does it have any less value then the “real reality" Or, if we’re living in a stimulation, who’s to say that the creators of the stimulation aren’t also living in a stimulation?

At the end of the day, this theory is just one of many possible explanations for the nature of our reality. It’s a fascinating concept to explore, but until we have concrete evidence to support it, we can’t say for sure Whether or not we’re living in a stimulation . But even if we are, it doesn’t diminish the wonder and complexity of the world we experience everyday.

In conclusion, the idea of living in a stimulation is both intriguing and terrifying. . While we may never be able to prove it definitively, the concept of a stimulated reality remains a topic for debate. It challenges everything we think we know about the world so far, and raises some interesting philosophical questions about our own existence. It’s still an exciting concept to explore. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll discover the truth about our reality. And if that happens, we’ll finally know whether that annoying co-worker was real or just a stimulated character programmed to steal our lunch from the office fridge!

That’s it for today folks, if you enjoyed this short article, be sure to follow me for more interesting and weird topics related to science. I’d love to hear your opinion on this matter, so don’t hesitate to drop a comment down below. Until next time, have a high five!✋



Subho Ghosh

Professional science geek, making complicated things simple and making simple things...well, even simpler ! 🙌