Space Travel Costs: SpaceX vs. Blue Origin vs. Virgin Galactic

Explore the cosmos with SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin! Unveil the price of space travel today and turn your celestial dreams into reality.

Ayman Miazi


Going to space would be pretty awesome, wouldn’t it? I’ve always dreamed about travelling a few hundred kilometres from Earth’s surface and seeing our planet. Unfortunately, unless I win the lottery or somehow get millions of dollars, it will remain a dream.

The Crew Dragon docking with the ISS (Credit: NASA)

SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin have all started offering tickets to go to space, but for the likes of most of us — the people who aren’t ridiculously rich — these tickets remain well out of reach. As you may have seen in April, Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Axiom Space launched three paying customers for an eight-day trip up to the International Space Station. How much did it cost? Just a small sum of $55 million, you know, some spare change.

I’m kidding about it being spare change of course, but that is the actual price. It’s insane, isn’t it? If you want a more affordable option, then you have Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic VSS Unity ticket costing $450,000 apiece; it’s still expensive but compared to SpaceX, it’s barely anything. You don’t get the luxury of a multi-day trip on the…



Ayman Miazi

I’m Ayman, a teen from Australia fascinated by space. Follow and subscribe on email for regular articles on tech and space. Ko-fi: