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We Are On The Brink Of Disaster

A new study shines a light on the reality of climate change.

Will Lockett
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2022


We are hurtling towards a climate catastrophe. You might be thinking: surely efforts like the Paris Agreement will stop this self-made apocalypse before any irrevocable damage is done? After all, they are aiming for no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius of climate warming, with a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius. This tiny increase in temperature can’t have a massive impact on the planet. Right? Well, a new study suggests that it unfortunately might.

This study looked at “climate tipping points” and under what amount of climate change they are likely to happen. These are ecological points of no return. Once these events happen, they will affect the global ecosystem and mean that our world will become unable to recover back to how it once was. These tipping points include ice sheet collapses, glacier loss, current stagnation, forest diebacks, and permafrost thawing.

Before we look at the study’s findings, we first need to understand how damaging these tipping points are.

The tipping points involving ice loss will massively increase sea levels. This will not only flood countless cities, leaving millions homeless, but it will also wreak havoc on marine ecosystems and weather patterns. For example, all coral reefs will end up…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at