What does ‘Embracing Uncertainty’ Really Mean?

And why uncertainty is your ally to prosperity

Marcus Glowasz


Photo by Santiago Lacarta on Unsplash

Uncertainty is often seen as evil while it is something that helps us to progress.

Uncertainty helps us to evolve, as it triggers attempts to brainstorm solutions targeted at eliminating the uncertainty. But since uncertainty will always remain in everything we are doing and planning to do, we are in a constant process of striving for excellence which drives progress and evolution. ‘Embracing Uncertainty’ means to acknowledge this, and continuously seek a balance between knowledge and uncertainty while fostering an environment and conditions for this interaction to progress freely.

So if your goal would be to eliminate and not embrace uncertainty, then your aim would be not only to stop innovation, progress, development, and evolution. It would even revert what has been achieved.

Think about it like going to the gym or doing exercises in general.

We all know that to stay healthy, we frequently should exercise, work out, or do any sort of sports that train our muscles. Many are following the goal to simply stay in good health, while others have goals to constantly become better by going daily to the gym, lifting every day a bit more weight.



Marcus Glowasz

Projects & Data, Coach, Transformation Strategist & Consultant. https://marcusglowasz.com