What If the Aliens Are Actually… Us?

From our point of view, sentient being from outer space is aliens. From The Martian point of view, humans are aliens.

Rudi Widiyanto
4 min readSep 3, 2023


Photo by Nathan Watson on Unsplash

The dream of finding other worlds with other sentient beings than us has been a constant theme in astronomy and space exploration. It is like a childhood fantasy to meet and greet the strangers we call aliens, the extraterrestrial beings.

There are many wild imaginations about how they look like, how they sound, how they bring technology for spacefaring. And more importantly, what are their intentions visiting Earth. Are they like the heptapods in Arrival who need human help? Or are they like the invaders in War of the Worlds who just want the Earth's resources?

But most of our imaginations portray the aliens' intentions as harmful and we humans need to be careful. Scientists say it is buried deep down in our subconscious mind, the fear that a spacefaring civilization has powerful and advanced technology, including in military. We have had similar experiences when the Spaniards met the Aztec and Maya civilizations. We are afraid that the same thing will happen to us when meet aliens. We afraid, what if what humans do to the orangutans' home forest, happened to us by the aliens.

Then we perceive aliens as dangerous and should be proceeded with caution.

There is another point of view to consider.

When Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, we humans became alien beings to the living organisms of the Moon, if any. In many years ahead when, let’s hope not too far ahead, humans finaly can step on the surface of Mars, the paradox arise.

For the Martians, no matter how small and simple as an amoeba single cell, it will perceive us as aliens. The bipedal humanoids who have spacefaring technology, who could abduct amoebas, research their kind in labs, and bring them to human home planet. Then after that many more humanoids will come and try to occupy Mars, the home planet of the Martians, to mine its resources.

We become the very aliens we fear.

This scenario raises some ethical and moral questions about our exploration of other planets.

Should we respect the sovereignty and integrity of these worlds, even if the native live form is just a single cell? Should we try to preserve their ecosystems, or should we modify it to suit our needs? Should we seek to communicate and cooperate with them, or should we ignore and dominate them?

These are not easy questions to answer, and different people may have different opinions and values.

However, I think it is important to remember that we are not the only inhabitants of this universe, and that we share a common origin with all forms of life, the stardust of supernova.

In terms of space explorations, we should be curious, not greedy. We should be responsible, not reckless. We should be explorers, not invaders.

History provides us with many cautionary tales. Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led inexorably to exploitation of natural as well as human resources. The desire to gain control over various commodities such as spices, sugar and oil propelled both global discovery and the drive for economic domination.

During the age of empire, some nations derived their wealth and power from colonizing various global regions. They controlling land, labor, and military power to advance their own interests.

We should learn from these past mistakes and avoid repeating them in our future endeavors in space. We should also be aware of the possible consequences of encountering extraterrestrial life.

These are some of the possible scenarios and questions that we should think about as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars and beyond. The first encounter with extraterrestrial life would be a historic and momentous event for our species, regardless of whether they a single cell or a sentient beings.

It would challenge our assumptions about ourselves and our place in the universe, and it would have profound implications for our future.

We should be prepared for any possibility and embrace any opportunity.



Reading Source:
(1) What is the phobia of aliens called? - Times of India. https://m.timesofindia.com/What-is-the-phobia-of-aliens-called/articleshow/2644125.cms.
(2) . https://bing.com/search?q=human+fear+of+aliens.
(3) Afraid Of Aliens? The Science Doesn’t Back You Up - Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/08/24/afraid-of-aliens-the-science-doesnt-back-you-up/.
(4) Most people aren’t afraid of alien life, according to new research. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/why-most-people-arent-frightened-of-alien-life/.
(5) Astrophobia: Coping With the Fear of Space - Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/fear-of-space-2671680.
(6) Why we fear Aliens (and why we shouldn’t) - Medium. https://medium.com/an-unearthly-conspiracy/why-we-fear-aliens-and-why-we-shouldnt-d7d940b60664.
(7) Could humans have contaminated Mars with life? - BBC Future. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210510-could-the-perseverance-rover-have-carried-life-to-mars.
(8) The Ethics of Sending Humans to Mars - Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-ethics-of-sending-humans-to-mars/.
(9) The Science of Becoming "Interplanetary": How Can Humans Live on Mars?. https://interestingengineering.com/science/becoming-interplanetary-how-can-humans-live-on-mars.
(10) undefined. https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/5-reasons-we-shouldnt-be-afraid-of-aliens/.

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Rudi Widiyanto

Psych Graduate who love to observe life, diving into astronomy, and riding fast-evolving AI. What's yours?