What Is A Nebula?

You may have heard of the Orion Nebula or the Crab Nebula, but do you know how nebulae get that stunning red, blue, green, pink, and purple coloring? Read this article to find out more!

Brandon Kyker
1 min readJul 14, 2021


Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Nebulae can be formed in two main ways. One way nebulae could be formed is by the explosion of a dying star throwing out dust and gas in a supernova. And the second being quite the opposite. The second way is stars being born and beginning to form.

Nebulae get their amazing colors from different gasses. They appear red because of hydrogen. The temperature of the hydrogen determines whether it will be purple, pink, red, or any of those other red-ish colors you may see in a nebula. Carbon in nebulae makes the beautiful blue. Likewise green comes from oxygen in a nebula.

Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

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