What is Sustainability?

This is our working definition.

Joe Thomas


Miriam Nielsen (@zentouro) is one of the most respected media makers on the topic of sustainability. In 2016, Miriam posted a YouTube video posing the question “What is sustainability?” One would think this question is very easy to answer, but, as it is discussed in the video, sustainability is actually not a simple concept to articulate.

The starting point:

“Sustainability is living within the regenerative capacity of the Earth, so that the essential needs of present generations can be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their essential needs” — Miriam Nielsen

This is obviously a macro level definition of sustainability, which is primarily what we are concerned with. People can also use the word sustainability to describe things at a micro level. For example, at the micro level, we could discuss the sustainability of a product, a business, a career, or an initiative. Sustainability, in many ways, is an economic concept, and as such it can be viewed from a microeconomic…



Joe Thomas

EV traveler, writer, futurist. Author of The Wealth of the Planet, While We Were Charging, and Martian Economics --> https://a.co/d/3z6f4CC