What Is The Science Behind Astral Projection?

How is the mind important in this out-of-body experience?

Christa Brian


Source: Wikimedia Commons

Astral projection — an idea that makes us think beyond our physical selves. It encourages us to imagine a realm where our consciousness can roam free, unrestricted by the natural laws governing our physical world. This mysterious concept is often likened to an out-of-body experience and draws on the notion that an ‘astral body’ or ‘spirit’ within us can travel independently which offers a unique perspective on our existence.

Many cultures around the world have talked about ideas like astral projection in their religious ceremonies and philosophical discussions. Today, people look at astral projection as more than just a spiritual exercise. It catches the interest of different people, from those who want to understand themselves better, to scientists studying what makes us conscious, and even storytellers crafting interesting tales. This wide interest shows how astral projection continues to attract attention and get people thinking about our role in the universe.

Origins and The Historical Context

The concept of astral projection began in ancient times. The early texts, beliefs, and philosophies from various cultures hint at this fascinating idea — that a person’s spirit or…



Christa Brian

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