What is Transfer Learning Why Does It Matter?

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6 min readSep 23, 2024

Reusing a previously trained model for a new improved task is referred to as transfer learning. It has the potential to train deep neural networks with relatively minimum data, it is well-linked with deep learning techniques. Since most real-world problems do not generally require numerous labeled data points for training these complex models, this results in help in the data science industry.

This article will examine the major concepts involved in understanding transfer learning. It is going to talk about what is transfer learning, why you need it, what the approaches to it are, how it works, and why you need transfer learning.

The process of using a model created for one activity to serve as the foundation for another task is known as transfer learning. Stated differently it can be said, that you reapply already trained machine learning model components to new models meant for unrelated but distinct tasks.

For example: If you are a proficient guitarist who wants to pick up the ukulele. Your learning curve will be accelerated by your prior guitar experience. This is because playing the ukulele requires many of the same abilities and expertise as playing the guitar.

What might cross your mind now after knowing the basics is “Is transfer learning different than deep learning? Yes, a special machine learning technique called transfer learning entails employing a model and its information for a new task. On the other hand, deep learning is a subset of ML that imitates human learning through the use of artificial neural networks.

Working of Transfer Learning

Transfer learning makes use of the early and middle layers, and only the later layers are retrained. It makes use of the tasks that are labeled data from its initial training. This retraining of the model is called a fine-tune model. Under such a situation in transfer learning, you should isolate particular layers to retrain. Then, when using transfer learning, bear in mind two different layers

  • Frozen Layer: Layers that are kept unaltered during retraining and retrain their prior task knowledge for the model to expand upon.
  • Modifiable Layers: Such layers are revamped during the fine-tuning to enable a model to adapt its knowledge to new, related tasks.

While most modern LLM models do fairly well overall, they frequently struggle with certain task-oriented difficulties. By fine-tuning the model one can make it more efficient and adaptable for a variety of real-world practices.

Why is Transfer Learning Required?

Well, the major reason for using transfer learning in machine learning is reduced training time, generally better neural networks, and fewer data requirements. For training a neural network from beginning to end, a very large amount of data is required, although access to that data is not always guaranteed. As the model has previously been pre-trained, transfer learning allows for the construction of strong machine-learning models with relatively minimum data.

This is particularly useful for natural language processing, as producing huge labeled data sets mostly requires expert knowledge. The fact that training deep learning for neural networks for starters on a challenging job can occasionally take days or even weeks also contributes to the reduction of training time. Here are the major reasons why you should use transfer learning:

  1. Efficient Training

Transfer learning allows for fine-tuning with fewer datasets and saves time by eliminating the need to build models from the beginning.

2. Performance of Models

By utilizing pre-trained knowledge, lowering overfitting, and facilitating quicker and more effective training with less data, transfer learning improves model performance.

3. Lower Operating Expenses

Transfer learning lowers costs by eliminating the requirement to train models from starting, which can be costly due to the need to obtain data and use computational resources for model training.

4. Enhanced Adaptability

Transfer learning is a crucial method that makes models more versatile and useful by enabling them to adjust to a variety of situations and jobs.

How is Transfer Learning Different From Few Shot Learning?

Here are the major points that explain transfer learning vs few-shot learning in a simplified way:

Approaches to Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is a quite powerful method in machine learning used for facilitating the flow of knowledge from one task to another. Here are the main approaches to implementing transfer learning:

  1. Developing a Reusable Mode

It might be possible to resume the model and create predictions for your fresh input if the input is the same for both tasks. As an alternative, you can experiment with retraining and modifying the output layer, and various task-specific layers.

2. Employing Pre-Trained Model

Using a model that has already been trained in the second strategy. Make sure to do some research because there are several models available. The challenge determines how many layers to retrain and how many to resume.

3. Extraction of Features

Another strategy is to identify the most significant features by applying deep learning to obtain the optimal representation of your issue. This method, often referred to as representation learning, frequently yields performance that is superior to that of a hand-designed representation.

Real- World Use Cases

Transfer learning has applications in many different areas of machine learning, here are some of the use cases for transfer learning:

  1. Natural Language Processing

Transfer learning for natural language processing improves machine learning models that perform NLP tasks. Models can be made to adapt to different languages through transfer learning.

For example: Google offers a neural translation model that can translate between languages. To complete the translation process, the model makes use of a common language between two different languages.

2. Computer Vision

Models generated from sizable training datasets can be applied to smaller picture sets through transfer learning. This can involve identifying the things in the given collection of photos that have sharp edges. Furthermore, depending on the requirement, the layers that precisely recognize the borders of images can be identified and trained.

3. Network of Neurons

Since neural networks typically produce quite complicated models, training them demands significant demands a significant amount of resources. Transfer learning can therefore be employed in this situation to both lower the resource requirement and increase overall process efficiency.

The Future of Transfer Learning

It is anticipated that the future of transfer learning will delve into several important areas that improve the flexibility and effectiveness of machine learning models. Multidomain adoption will be a major area of attention, to develop models that can effectively transfer information across a variety of diverse domains.

Incremental training will be another area of study where methods of constant updates with new input while maintaining previously learned knowledge will be developed. This tackles the problem of catastrophic forgetting in which new models acquire new tasks and gradually lose the capacity to perform on older ones.

It is also expected that an efficient model compression will be a key area of research, to minimize the size of big pre-trained models without sacrificing their functionality. This will make it easier to implement AI in settings with limited resources.

The Final Word

Refusing gained knowledge across tasks and domains is made possible via transfer learning, a potent strategy in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Although there are a lot of benefits of transfer learning, much better performance, and fewer data requirements, it also faces difficulties in adopting domains and fine-tuning. Through adherence to transfer learning examples and continued learning about future developments, practitioners can fully utilize transfer learning to address challenging issues and stimulate innovation in artificial intelligence.




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