What Would Happen If Humanity Became a Type V Civilization?

Spoiler: We are still a ‘Type Zero' civilization

Leon Okwatch


Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash

Ever since we first appeared on earth, humanity has been problem-solving, inventing, and developing its technology.

We’ve managed to leverage our understanding of science to build relatively advanced civilizations and rise above other species.

We’ve come from living in caves to being able to land on the moon. We’ve had to re-imagine our environment and remodel it to suit our interests.

More importantly, we’ve vowed to relentlessly pursue our undying quest for knowledge through every means possible.

But, is there a final destination for us?

Could we reach a point where we have discovered everything and there’s nothing more to discover?

Futurists think so.

For our species to survive the new challenges we face, our civilizations need to progress to more advanced levels.

About the Kardashev scale and the types of civilizations

In 1964, a Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev came up with a scale to categorize the advancement of civilizations.



Leon Okwatch

Blockchain enthusiast. Web3 writer passionate about dissecting the intricacies of the technology, word for word. Guided by abundance mindset+law of attraction.