When We Meet Aliens — They’ll Almost Certainly Be Robots

Life is too short for organics to be roaming the universe

Kesh Anand


The Universe is a big place.

With billions of galaxies each filled with further billions of planets — it is certain that there are other forms of life out there.

Though we have been searching for extraterrestrial life for many decades, that will only really result in detecting them and possibly communicating with them.

Actually meeting an alien is a very different thing altogether.

Any alien we meet in the flesh is likely to be made of anything but. They will almost certainly be some sort of artificial lifeform.

It is logical when you consider the following:

#1: Natural Lifespan

Any biological species (on earth or anywhere else) would be a product of evolution and natural selection.

While that process favours species to live long enough to procreate and pass on their genes— it has little use for us once that is done. This is why pretty much all living creatures eventually grow old and die (see senescence).

#2: Distance across Space



Kesh Anand

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