Where is the Largest Mountain in the Solar System?

Olympus Mons is the Biggest Mountain to Exist in the Solar System.

Christa Brian


Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system | Photo Credits: Store Norske Leksikon

When Mount Everest was discovered on Earth, people were surprised by its height reaching above the clouds. But amazingly, the world’s wonders do not stop at Earth.

Nature does not disappoint us with its surprises and reveals the most significant elevations in the solar system.

One such elevation is Olympus Mons, the gigantic volcano on Mars, which is said to be three times as big as Everest.

The Record-Breaking Magnitudes of Olympus Mons

Our planetary neighbor Mars has constantly been subjected to scientific research. The red planet is full of surprises that have astonished scientists over the years.

Many miraculous discoveries have been made, and many are yet to come. The scientists did not yet digest the presence of lava, water, and simply the sense of life when they discovered that the miraculous planet also houses the most extraordinary volcano in the solar system.

The tallest mountain in the solar system is located in the Tharsis Montes region on Mars. Due to the unavailability of water on Mars, scientists could not find its actual height.



Christa Brian

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