Why Anytype is the Future of Note-Taking

The most powerful and ethical option for note-taking is almost here.

Odin Halvorson


Anytype website

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent hundreds of hours researching and testing different apps, searching for options that defy the norm by centering human good (i.e. security, safety, and functionality). You’re also probably very frustrated by two major problems inherent in the software world.

Every piece of software these days has two inherent flaws.

  1. It was made by tech bros.
  2. It was made by engineers who love software engineering.

In the first place, we have apps that are made to fill a role in the venture capitalist model. They aren’t meant to be good products, they’re meant to be products good at generating value for shareholders. The two are utterly, starkly distinct.

In the second place (where much of the free and open-source software lives), we find programs designed by people who think that everyone should either learn five coding languages or go straight to hell.



Odin Halvorson

A futurist/socialist/fantasist writer, editor, and scholar. MFA/MLIS. Free access to my articles at OdinHalvorson.substack.com | More over at OdinHalvorson.com.