Ruhani Rabin
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2018


There was a time when good products and a great smile were enough to convince your customers to remain loyal. That was also the time when the competition in any business was low since there were no mobile phone and internet. Right now, anything a brand in one corner of the state does, everyone knows. Thanks to Facebook and Instagram, business has become all about outdoing your competitors’ efforts. A significant part of any marketing plan is competition research, and it is valid for online as well as traditional marketing. The focus has shifted to unique products and services, to exclusive experiences that can rivet your customers to your brand only.

Why mobile marketing?

The biggest pro of leveraging a mobile truck tour is the ability of the branded truck to self-promote. You do not have to worry about complementary hoardings, X-stands and vinyl displays as is the norm for any other event. Whether it is a music show or a singing contest inside a mall, you need to put up posters and hoardings, so people turn up for the event. With live marketing through mobile truck tours, these trucks speak for themselves. Brand the trucks correctly, and your brand will enjoy high visibility automatically. Visit Roots3 Productions mobile tours to learn more about vehicle selection and branding.

How to begin your truck tours?

It is always better to foolproof your mobile tour by setting up a domino effect mechanism. It should begin with small in-store promotions or affordable kiosk designs right outside the mall. You can choose to skip this part if you already have an impressive following at your brick-and-mortar store. You can directly jump to the street teams. Your business’ street team will be a group of promoters, who will speak about your brand’s USP. You can select local celebrities, including your local football team or you can pick real-life stars from your neighborhood to hold your banner. Their work will be to promote your products and services in public on the opening day.

How to boost the reach of your mobile marketing tours?

To boost the attendance at the mobile truck parking location, you do not need to take help from broadcast media or print media. You can share the details of the tour from your band page on social media. Twitter and Facebook are the two most influential social networking platforms that can put you in (virtually) direct touch with your customers and potential audience. Use the correct hashtags, and you will connect with hundreds, if not thousands of people, who will show interest in your event. Now, it is your turn to release the teasers and the location details on social media. Create a buzz so that your mobile truck tour creates the maximum impact possible.

The brand ambassadors can be a part of your pre-tour promotions or the first attraction of your mobile truck tour. You can go with models or environmental activists. The choice of the endorser will depend upon what you are selling and what message you want to send to your customers. People always pay attention to celebrities, whether it is real life or on social media. Therefore, when your team of promoters is out there, do not forget to get a few interesting videos, blooper videos, and images for Instagram and Facebook. Post them ASAP with the correct tags to generate hundreds of views.

How to optimize your marketing budget and opportunity?

Next, is the part where you focus exclusively on the mobile tour experience. Always select a marketing agency that provides you with the complete branding setup. Your mobile truck should have branded wraps, vinyl advertisements, hoardings and everything else you need for providing an exclusive branded experience to your audience. Since mobile truck tours are often more affordable than trade shows and futuristic kiosks, most brands want to combine multiple elements of experiential marketing while perfecting their mobile truck tour. That can complicate things a bit since you will have numerous facets to manage while you are out on tour.

Any successful mobile tour calls for a smart and experienced tour manager. Apart from hiring enthusiastic and energetic brand managers, you will need a tour manager, who knows all about location, interactions, entertainment, and social media management. He or she should have the ability and training to hold it together. From last-minute stoppage changes to handling a complaining customer, he or she should know exactly what to do. You need a great tour manager for the sake of your brand. A poor run in public can damage the reputation of your brand for good.

Mobile marketing needs integration of other marketing strategies

Most successful brands integrate the experiential marketing campaigns with mobile truck tours because the latter are cost-effective and they rake in impressive ROI as compared to the traditional media campaigns. Moreover, it can leverage the goodness of social media promotions, word of mouth advertising and media presentation strategies. Even after being highly affordable by all means, mobile truck tours enable brands to interact with their customers face-to-face. They can engage the customers at a personal level. Social media can not only amplify the reach of these brand events, but social channels can also establish a strong relationship between the brands the customers. Most importantly, it will fuel the conversations about the event, even after it is long over!

Another reason the big names are interested in live marketing is the easy measurement options. Now, it is possible to track the metrics of most live marketing events in real-time. Whether it is by using social media listening tools that allow the tracking of mentions on specific platforms, or it is the use of facial recognition to mark returning customers. In fact, the genesis of new-age devices now allows facial tracking to find out how the customers feel about a new product or service. Their facial expressions give the brand managers ideas about necessary improvements and alterations.

Final words

All in all, mobile truck tours are one of the most cost-effective, yet impactful marketing techniques of today. Trending brands, big and small, are exploring new markets holding the hands of experiential marketing. If you are interested in doing the same, start with mobile marketing tours that will physically take you to the new markets and support your interactions with potential new customers.

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Ruhani Rabin

Ruhani Rabin being a tech and product evangelist for two decades. He was VP, GM, CPO for various digital companies. Obsessed with Generative AI now.