Why is this the right time to be an embedded systems researcher !
The growth of Embedded systems with robotics: As a field and Career.
When we talk about Robots, the terms that come to our head are Artificial Intelligence, machine learning or computer vision which are all majorly software based.Have you thought of the hardware part? How robot reacts to a particular action?How is the process executed? How does the robotic system run? These questions can be answered only by the use of embedded systems.
What are embedded systems?
Embedded, as the name suggests, is the combination of hardware and software systems designed to perform specific tasks. An Embedded system controls the internet connection, processing of a program in a robot, sensor response and data management in an electrical or mechanical environment. Embedded system majorly includes circuitry, sensor technology, processing and communication between different electronic components in the machine.
The growth of embedded systems.
Everything around us is getting connected with each other and embedded systems play a major role in this transformation. Looking at the potential growth of gadgets around us, embedded systems have a steady growth rate. We can see it from the graph below.
From the graph by Zion Research Analysis, we can see, there is the rapid growth of $159billion to $225.34 billion in just six years. A market revenue growth of a $100 billion can be observed, which is a promising growth with a steady increase. From the graph, we can infer the growth of embedded systems that at least for embedded systems there is no looking back for the next 5 to 6 years.
Robotics and embedded systems.
Embedded systems are one of the acute fields of robotics. In fact, without embedded systems robotics is merely impossible. Embedded systems take care of everything for a robot including the sensors to be used, when to trigger a sensor, what to do with the sensor, connect to the internet, store data to the memory, use of a processor and every electrical and electronic component you can think of is depended on embedded systems. Majorly running code, transfer of the data and working of sensors are all embedded systems.
Career as an embedded engineer.
After 10–20 years, embedded systems are going to be everywhere. Looking at the numerous possible applications it has and the awesome projects that are already on its glorious path, it is safe to say that Embedded Systems will be one of the most sought-after fields of study and hence would require a lot of talented minds.
Industries that utilize embedded systems engineers include defense, robotics, communications,consumer electronics, and aeronautics. With the technology growth in these fields, an embedded engineer has prosperous career options waiting for them.
Future of embedded systems.
Embedded systems have a bright future; a future where you can see your toasters and cars
tweeting about their status!All thanks to these small powerful hardware devices we call embedded systems.
In the upcoming years we will see embedded systems everywhere –on every road, every building,every floor, every wall, coffee mugs, books, watches, cars, airplanes and everything we see and use, will be controlled by embedded technologies. All your gadgets would be interconnected and interacting to give you a personalized experience and make your life much better than you can imagine!