Why not send myself stock information from the future?

Eric Martin
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2018


According to this article from MIT Technology Review, a particle can be entangled with another particle in time. It’s a “must read” article, if true.

Why not set up a system where I plan on inputting a stock price every day and that information gets sent to the particle that is entangled in time to a particle from one month prior. In this way, after one month, I should be able to receive information about the one month later stock price, assuming I keep doing the process of sending daily stock prices one month after the first month of submissions?

This future knowledge will affect the stock price if I’m purchasing and acting on it, and I need to be wary of that. But it would be a fun experiment and a great way to make money if it gets fairly consistent and I can scale up my bets using options or leverage.

How about sports betting?

It sounds like information can be sent back in time, at least experimentally right now. Let’s make this a reality and see our futures. We can send back news, murder victims, etc. and try to prevent them when something bad will strike, or at least prepare for it. How about earthquakes? Of course if in one month the person sending the information back is in real trouble, they wouldn’t be able to send the information back and the people one month in the past might rightly be scared of what happened since they are now in the dark about the future. What a world to live in!

Is what I have written true? Based on the MIT article I think it is, but I’d like to hear some experts weigh in on this. Also, it might be a very hard matter to create a device which can capture information from quantum particles that were modified in the future. Perhaps it will be nearly impossible to know which particle was affected, or perhaps the particle will be nowhere near Earth at the one month prior time.

Still from “Back to the Future”. Source.

p.s. from Eric: “shhh… if you’ve gotten this far, you’ve scrolled down this whole article and are more likely than most people to care about what I think. So I’ll give you a little more of what I think: I’ve been thinking a lot about Kin. If you’re interested, here’s my 5 min explanation of Kin.”

