Why TVF could be the biggest winner of the OTT wars in India!

Pratyush Choudhury
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2020
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The biggest winner of the OTT battle in India is likely The Viral Fever (TVF) & not Disney’s Hotstar (HS).

It may seem strange to think that a production house (TVF) could’ve anything to do with the deep-pocketed OTT players (HS). The rationale, however, is embedded in how OTT content gained prominence.

Thanks to technology/OTT, we moved from a Prix Fixe era content consumption to that of an à la carte. From TV series & stand up comedy to movies, there’re a lot of options for the viewers, especially the younger generation.

Binge-watching is replacing the concept of waiting for the next series/movie. As a result, content creators compete against every bit of content ever created — stand-ups compete with Gone with the Wind or a cat video despite vastly different production costs — forcing consolidation.

With a plethora of platforms available, content from known creators is expected to be omnipresent. Major OTT players would pay big $ for top content & brands would sponsor shows on YouTube. This is exactly the wave TVF is riding.

With 22+ mn subscribers, multiple IMDB 9+ shows & ~2.5 bn YouTube views, it’s done a great job as an internet-first production house & arguably the biggest gainer in the OTT wars.

This post originally appeared here.

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Views expressed in this post are my own and don’t reflect those of my employers, present or past.



Pratyush Choudhury

My not-so-profound thoughts on technology, business and life | IIT (BHU) | All opinions my own