Rajalingam M
Published in
7 min readDec 5, 2020

One thing from my side, after reading this you will come to know where we are going and where we are now. It is explained in simple english words only.

I think all will be curious to know this topic, here we will divide 3 parts upto 2090 as, the years between next years(10 years gap)are years where this world will try to fullfill the fact I given.

  1. 2045–2060
  2. 2070–2085
  3. 2090


First of all , we see this in two face, positive and negative.


We all know vehicle advancements, new mobiles, new gadgets or unique modern building and some technologies like cloud computing, AR, VR, and mainly in medical field. Most of the countries already had these and some are improving. New things will be invented which are going to helpful. Also we could find medicines for many dreadful diseases like cancer, aids, etc ,..

In recent times also some invention are made which make some problem solved, like wolf robot from Japan in agriculture so that the land will be safe from predators and writing tests or taking notes in electric tablets to minimize the cutting of trees. Like these, many invention make tech into beneficial for nature which are happy to see.

Photo by Andres Urena on Unsplash

Is robots really make life easier?

If we use more robots for working then there will be a drastic lose for many people.

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

So, the second one we are going to see what will be the negative.

How fast the positive tech or any is improving the same time negative side also may improve.

If we take today technologies like cyber, it will become more advance in future. But the negative that is the dark side of cyber also increase. If it increase then automatically security will decrease drastically.

Even if we are building more and more highly advance technologies then it may affect nature by increasing the temperature of our Earth.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


The next thing is we are thinking that we are in quarantine now only, but really according to my acknowledge some of we were already in quarantine days. Yes, 8.4% of people in Earth were addicted to video games. But, it may increase in coming days upto triple the present number in 2050.

Everything must limit even it is eatable food. Many people in this World lost their jobs, life and many more due to addiction of video games. It not only affect him or her but also affect their relatives and surroundings. Till now people were enjoying video games in various platforms like television, laptops, mobile,..

Photo by Jose Gil on Unsplash

Yeah, if the video games also get advancement then it will become more worst than alcohol consumers.

Then addiction of video games will be “MODERN DISEASE”.

So, how to stop this? Completely stoping is impossible , also playing video game is not a crime. So, video game players must themself make a limit to it.

Again for cyber crime, we can stop visiting to unknown websites or trying to open banned websites, therefore we can stop cyber crime. Also, the companies must take responsibility to stop the cyber crime as it will be more vulnerable in 2050.

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Now the reader may get doubted that why I am saying only 2045–2060 not other years. Yes all coming years will make tech advance in both positive and negative, but the main revolution will be in these years like new way of travelling or inventing new gadget which may be impossible till now. For example, we can take mobile phone which is invented first in the year of 1973 and first smart phone in year of 1992, so here the revolution took place in two years one is connecting to others in 1973 and make the connection better like in different ways in 1992 so after coming phones are just upgrade but the revolution in 1992 so that is matter. Like that 2045–2060 plays a crucial years in coming years. after that coming gadgets or anything even for next 200 years it will start the revolution(2045–2060). But, here we need to see that how change or revolution will be or how we must manage that.

Another great example is all we know that some people are going to live in Mars by 2050 as some companies trying to make it to reality. Here, the main thing is that humans will head to Mars for living not the things which may come to Mars because humans who are going to live in Mars will make the revolution. So, it will be the start of next revolution like that not the vehicles or anything which are coming to Mars. After that even humans are living there for many years not will be new as they head to Mars in these period of time(2045–2060).

Photo by Nicolas Lobos on Unsplash


It is the most crucial years among all three. In my view these years also called as “BATTLE BETWEEN NATURE AND TECH”. Today the nature issues are just sample but the real large issues for nature will be in these years if we forgot to save them now. For example, melting of iceberg.

Photo by Isaac Mehegan on Unsplash

like rise of ocean water due to global warming

Photo by Roxanne Desgagnés on Unsplash

air pollution

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

Also for animals which are in endangered

Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

The above effects are already happening even today. But, it may become even worst or triple times from now which will be uncontrollable (2070–2085) if we ignore today. In this all need to notice one thing that is today life style we are living will be never in these like 2070–2085, so that effect will more and more as tech is increasing.

The next thing is some scientist were predicted that by 2100 Earth’s temperature will increase by 3degree Celsius, but in my opinion it may increase upto even 5 or6 degree Celsius or even more as the life style will be change.

These years will show what are the negative things we are doing now like hunting, using artificial things which made the Earth heat, etc.

If we not safe the nature, then there will be nothing to save after these years. I dont’t know whether it affects us more, but surely the next and after next generation will pay for mistakes now.

2090 and rest of years:

All we know that 2090 will be sure a new age, but what age it will be? the right one or wrong, that will be decided by now itself by saving or killing nature. All though many advance beneficial things are invented or going to invent if we forget to save nature now, then there will be no use of those gadgets because for using gadgets human must survive!!! The only good thing is we can see many human like robots or advancement in AI.

Even upcoming generation would living in Mars, there also humans must live with unity and with humanity, because those are not available for many people here which is the reason for this kind of situation.

From my side, there are some ways to reduce the harmful effects on nature,

  • We can make some changes in our home so that we could reduce the consuming of air conditioner and any other things which release co2.
  • Next is saving the endangered animals as well as all animals by building more sanctuaries and zoos. So that we make people not see animals only by simply sitting infront of mobile, people also come outside and spent some time with nature not with mobile!
  • For air pollution by today or for coming years the major change will come by making more cheaper electric vehicles so that all humans able to buy them.

Caring and saving small things will make a bigger difference in every aspects.

Photo by David Skyrius from Pexels

Anyway we just learn to balance the nature from our house to this world.

Now decide “Will 2090 be a new age?” then you will get a question as “HOW WILL BE 2090?”

