World Famous Scientist Who Tried To Kill His Professor-Robert Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer, the father of the USA’s atom bomb program, tried to poison his professor due to a minor conflict.

Karthick Nambi


Robert Oppenheimer. Source-

It was the most prestigious college in the USA. It harbored some of the great minds of the world. Past, Present, and Future Nobel laurate walked through the hallway of the esteemed institution. In this institution, a future famous scientist is about to poison his professor over a minor misunderstanding. The future famous scientist was Robert Oppenheimer, the chief architect of the USA’s Atom bomb program.

Early Life:

A cartoon of Oppenheimer in Telegraph. Source-

Robert Oppenheimer was born in a wealthy Jewish family. His parents ran a textile import business in New York. He was studious, so much so that he once challenged his classmates to ask questions in Latin that he can answer in Greek. Oppenheimer was troubled and used to hurt people. Due to his affluent family, he escaped from persecution. Once in his schooling, Oppenheimer tried to strangle his fellow roommate. His mischiefs met a new low when he was in Cambridge.



Karthick Nambi

A human with interest in history and technology