write if you want to be right

Diop Papa Makhtar
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2021

I am almost sure that our brain gives more importance to the things we have written than those we have spoken or those we just thought about. It also seems that written thoughts are more easily …. by our brain when we are writing something that shares patterns, topics, or has deep or low commonality with those things we have written into the past. I am also certain that our brain is programmed to be more eager and efficient at correcting the wrong things we have written and better at outputting from them insightful ideas that we would not get if we were just telling what we have committed to write.

When we want to say that something is really true and immutable we often use the expression it’s written on the marble and this has a clear reference to Moise and to all these laws before and after him, that used to rules our society and our way of living.

Writing can become very spiritual because it is an act of creation that instantiate words like they were living creatures that are there to say something and all holy books share this idea that says that creatures are there to teach us something good that can help us understand better and maybe end up being better believers. But This article is more about motivating you to write than it is about religion which I believe to be something especially personal.

I qualified writing as being a technology that really disrupted not only our world but ourselves also with a very big impact on the development of our society and the spread of ideas and their lifetime.

What were we able to know about the pyramids if our grandparent Egyptians had not leveraged the technology of writing? but what I had missed about Egyptians and writing until I got into this mathematical book is that here in Egypt writing was promoted because of economical realities and that’s why Egyptians got interested in calculations also because that was the only way to get a stable and equitable society in an environment that was cyclicly transformed by the nature through the medium of a river.

Now that a medium for writing is almost always at our fingerprint, we are leaving writing in favor of speech. I am starting to imagine an organization into which writing is the only mean of communication and asking myself what would be the difference between this kind of organization and those that use a mix of means of communication. This article is not about this written communications-only organization that I will be writing about in my coming articles and which could be an interesting tech-enabled idea to test.

Constated that from time to time I am writing naturally without plan motivational article that promotes writing and this could seem like I am qualifying myself as a writer what think I am only if being a writer is expressing your idea with the words of the language you choose but writing as a profession is I think way more than that. I could agree that it helps to start composing sentences with the words you know to become this right professional writer.

