You Need To Learn AI in 2024! (And Here Is Your Roadmap)

Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

Let me tell you a story real quick. Last week, I was chatting with my buddy Raj over some lukewarm lattes at our favorite cafe, The Brewing Grounds.

Raj is a software engineer at one of those fancy AI startups in Silicon Valley. He makes a cushy six-figure salary building chatbots and recommendation algorithms.

Raj was going on and on about how AI is transforming everything — self-driving cars, personalized medicine, even generating its own art and music!

“Bro, you gotta learn this stuff,” he said, “It’s taking over the world!”

I shrugged and changed the subject to the new season of Stranger Things. Demogorgons are less scary than the AI takeover if you ask me.

But Raj was right. I can’t avoid this AI train much longer. It’s leaving the station, whether I get onboard or not.

So I’ve decided that 2024 is my year to start understanding this AI explosion. And I’m bringing you along for the ride! All aboard the AI train! Next stop, the future!

I’m creating a FREE AI course that will help you understand AI from A-Z from basics to advanced, sign-up now.




Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy