Transforming Business Intelligence: How PREDICTif Empowered ONI with Data Insights

Usman Aslam
PREDICTif Ponders
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2023
Photo by NicoElNino on Shutterstock

O’NEAL INDUSTRIES (ONI), a forward-thinking company, encountered challenges that cast shadows on its revenue and operational efficiency. The hurdles they faced were not merely obstacles; they were opportunities for transformation. Recognizing the pressing need for change and armed with a commitment to innovation, ONI set out to re-engineer its analytics ecosystem.

This article delves into the remarkable journey of ONI, a company determined to conquer its data-related challenges and emerge stronger than ever. We will explore the intricacies of the issues they faced and the pivotal role played by PREDICTif Solutions, an esteemed AWS Advanced-Tier Partner, in guiding ONI through the transformative process. Together, we will uncover how PREDICTif’s expertise and ingenuity paved the way for ONI to revolutionize its data landscape, setting the stage for data-driven decision-making at its finest.

ONI Challenges

ONI confronted a multitude of challenges that spanned both business processes and IT infrastructure. Their existing reporting system was far from mature, plagued by data consistency issues, and burdened with an aversion to lengthy IT projects. The situation at the onset of PREDICTif’s involvement included:

  1. Operating with Limited Information: A deficiency in comprehensive data was impacting ONI’s ability to optimize revenue and profits.
  2. Fragmented Business Insights: Detailed reports on the operations of their autonomously managed business units were lacking.
  3. Absence of Data Governance: No corporate-level data governance structure was in place, leading to data duplication and inconsistencies in business logic.
  4. Manual Reporting: Reports were reliant on manually linked spreadsheets with custom business logic, often hidden in Excel macros.
  5. Point of Failure (POF): A single, Excel-based report set with limited control over data source format resulted in multiple points of failure.
  6. Immediate ROI Necessity: ONI needed quick returns to justify a larger data project.
  7. Manual Processes: The company relied on manual email processes for report delivery and time-consuming procedures to answer business questions.
  8. Hidden Data Issues: Years of manual processes had concealed underlying data issues.

PREDICTif’s Solution

PREDICTif orchestrated a transformative solution for ONI that minimized disruptions to existing processes and staff. This phased approach streamlined technology upgrades and reporting processes, leading to significant improvements. The key components of the solution included:

  1. Real-Time Dashboard: PREDICTif implemented an easy-to-use dashboard on a highly scalable platform, providing daily critical financial, operational, and forecasting information to the management team.
  2. Data Architecture Enhancement: A pluggable data acquisition, staging, and data mart architecture was designed using Oracle’s Database as a Service (DBaaS), reducing deployment time significantly.
  3. Data Normalization: Pluggable data acquisition modules ensured consistent data streams across various business units.
  4. Efficient Data Management: Oracle Data Integrator was deployed in the cloud to handle data movement and management.
  5. Data Visualization: Tableau was employed for data visualization in the Oracle cloud, eliminating data latency issues.
  6. User Empowerment: The entire solution was handed over to a select group of power users, eliminating the need for additional technical staff.

ONI was thoroughly pleased with the solution implemented, as expressed by their IT Director, Kevin Ray:

“We appreciate the excellent work that your team did in delivering a game-changing solution for us.”


The partnership between PREDICTif and ONI stands as a testament to the transformative power of innovation and collaboration. Through meticulous strategic planning and the flawless execution of a comprehensive solution, PREDICTif achieved a remarkable feat in reshaping ONI’s data landscape.

The impact of this transformation extended far beyond the immediate challenges ONI faced. It wasn’t just about overcoming hurdles; it was about building a solid foundation for the future. By empowering ONI with cutting-edge tools and actionable insights, PREDICTif has equipped them to make informed decisions in real-time, ensuring agility and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving market.

This collaboration is a harbinger of things to come in the realm of business intelligence. It signifies a shift towards a data-centric approach that drives not only efficiency but also innovation. As ONI continues its journey, armed with newfound capabilities, it is poised to explore uncharted territories and unlock new avenues of growth.

In an era where data is king, PREDICTif’s transformational work with ONI serves as a beacon of excellence, showcasing how strategic partnerships can not only address current challenges but also catalyze a future brimming with possibilities. Together, PREDICTif and ONI have not just resolved problems; they have ignited a spark of innovation that will continue to illuminate the path forward in the world of business intelligence.



Usman Aslam
PREDICTif Ponders

Ex-Amazonian, Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, 12x AWS Certified. ❤️ Tech, Cloud, Programming, Data Science, AI/ML, Software Development, and DevOps. Join me 🤝