Blockchain removes opportunity for Theft :: Governments & Banks don’t approve.

Bonnie at Pi
Predictive Ideology
6 min readMay 10, 2018

In South Africa we have a history of thieving politicians, bad labour practices, nefarious contracts to family and friends, obscene bonus’ for senior executives, whilst the employees suffer unbearable conditions to eek out a living.

I appreciate that South Africa is merely a drop in the ocean of countries where their people suffer the same.

What many don’t know about Crypto Currency and the plaftorm it’s built on, Blockchain, is that it was designed by ‘The people’ for everyone to have better opportunities. The creators of the technology are, for the most part, conscious humans who’s main objective is to create the change we’re all so desperate for.

Governments in developing countries now have an opportunity to create a conscious leadership that is focused on uplifting the people they have sworn to serve, by utilising the transparency, authenticity and trust base that Blockchain offers. Trust is a commodity few, if any governments hold.

In my opinion, politicians and business people who deny the validity and capabilities of Blockchain are the very people that are responsible for the disaster that is far too many peoples lives.

The Opportunity: Because every transaction and every cent donated can be watched on Blockchain, it makes it impossible to steal, deny or to create fake transactions.

This makes it impossible for government officials to claim free lunch, transport, flights to name but a few perks being taken for granted by too many. It also makes it impossible to steal or give contracts to nefarious, non-existent companies, friends, family, or for kick backs.

If the South African government is serious about changing our country to one where every person is responsible for their actions, takes ownership and responsibility for their environment, then Blockchain is the way to start. To create a government where every citizen (who is actually a shareholder) and vested party, can clearly see every aspect of the goings on in the country (effectively a company), and has an opportunity to stop practices that are counter productive to the purpose of benefiting the majority. The control moves to the people.

This is the fear and terror that is needling many a politician, banker, corporate head and business leader… Their secrets will out!

Granted, there are inherent issues within the Blockchain system, it’s early days in the adoption of an entirely new way. There are bound to be cracks and mishaps. With continued developments as is happening rapidly among the world’s technology community, the problems we face in Blockchain are minute in comparison to the irrefutable benefits to the majority.
The main priority is in recognising that this one emerging technology is the game changer. The opportunity that the global population that struggles to put food on the table, have been praying for.

Sound Extreme?

Think again.

Charity : For too many years developing and war torn and disaster stricken countries have relied on the ‘goodness’ of the privileged to help them out of a disaster.

Sadly, due to the malice that money has caused, the greed of a few has pretty much ensured that the help given is limited, sometimes never reaching it’s destination due to the growing number of grubby paws dipping into the pot.

Money goes Missing : South Africa is an exquisite country with a vibrant tourist led economy. Many tourists are driven to offer help, to raise funds, to create organisations that will ensure upliftment of the most impoverished. Again… thanks to greed created by desperation, too often the funds are squandered on the wrong things, stolen through in-ept administration or just pure greed. There are organisations globally with funds available to create real change but everyone is afraid of where the money will go, will it actually do any good? Will it end up in the right place? How will it be spent? Annual reports help with this but by then… it’s too late. Then, when funds are gone, more must be spent in an enquiry to figure out what happened to it…

A never ending story of money not reaching the right places, to do what’s needed, to restore dignity to our people.

A radical change is needed

There are many exciting developments in the Social Impact sector of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things which ensure that this never has to happen again.

Smart Contracts are created within the Blockchain system (the front ends are user friendly) which ensures that all transactions, all information related to the financial health, the beneficiaries, the benefits achieved are all mapped as they happen.
A real-time ‘see where the money goes’ system.

This means that #ngo #npo #socialimpact #humanitarian projects will have more time to do what they’re meant to be doing, fewer administrators and more ‘do’ers’, total accountability and ownership of the processes and procedures with nowhere to hide, steal or lose money.
Action can be taken quickly if the project is not working, creating an agile environment in an ever changing landscape of difficulties.

Everything about #Blockchain #SmartContracts #DistributedLedgers screams Positive Social Impact.

Governments, Businesses, Corporates, Banks who publicly deny the capabilities of Blockchain technology, also see it, knowing it’s going to hurt them and help you, they are creating a negative media spin to confuse and scare the majority of the population into believing this crypto stuff is a bad thing.


A subject often covered across the business arena’s where I spend my time. Leadership of a Country is nothing more than being a servant to the millions you have sworn to protect and care for. Leadership of a Country is no more responsibility than being a Nurse, Fireman, Police Officer, Teacher, Paramedic … and deserves to be as accountable, receive the same remuneration, the same benefits, the same lifestyle.

In my opinion, any leader who’s salary is higher than those in public service, is not a leader who’s objective is to serve. Their self interest is evident in what they believe they deserve.

The status quo of African countries at present is diabolical. Something radical needs to be done to overturn all the negative aspects of the ‘divide and conquer’ activities of too many governments of past.

The people are frustrated, desperate and angry.

To quell the masses, mere flattery and pretense won’t work anymore. Our next Leader must take ownership by living as the people live, being a part of the communities in their struggle, he/she must be dedicated to the cause of the planet and it’s people as a priority.

The Leader of Change should preferably be of no affiliation with any of the current party’s whom have all proven to have rotten apples infecting the system even further.

Our next Leader must be chosen for their actions, not their words.

Our next Leader must dedicate themselves to the Social Impact of every action of every person within the Country.

Our next Leader must focus on Inclusion of all people as a part of our Country.

Our next Leader must show their dedication to the best benefit of the majority in every action.

How do we find our next leader when politics is all about money and money is what’s hurting us the most?


Simply, easily and cheaply the best answer to our prayers as a people.

#Pi makes it happen. From the ground.

#SouthAfrica #OwnYourSelf #LeaderMustServe #Trust #Authenticity #Transparency

ethereum blockchain socialimpact smartcontract pi

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Originally published at on May 10, 2018.



Bonnie at Pi
Predictive Ideology

#Pi : Using Tech to drive solutions to the majority #socialimpact #blockchain Marketing & Brand Consultant #Decentralist