Humans — ever increasing, feeling machines.

Bonnie at Pi
Predictive Ideology
3 min readNov 28, 2020
Humans — ever increasing, feeling machines. With the ability to do better. To fix their mistakes.

Humans have not yet learned that they are here on a purposeful journey. To learn.

Souls on earth school. Simply put. The human form merely a replicated machine with 1% differentiators as identifiers.

Our capacity to continue to increase our sphere of knowledge is artificial intelligence in it’s pure form.

I like to assimilate it to unzipping our skins, removing our sexual existence to see our alikeness is far greater than our differences. As humans have thought they’ve evolved so they devolved into such intense focus on their outer, the inner, more prominent existence, was lost.

Now we have come to a time in humanity when their own destruction of their most vital resources and that of the rest of the planet, they seek to fly off to another place to destroy.

The human mind closed itself with a control that was never going to succeed in it’s quest for exploration beyond a finite limit. Regardless of how hard he tries #elonmusk tries he will only venture as far as the human destruction of the planet, or resurrection thereof allows.

When the human awakening began en masse via a beautiful medium of social interaction, the opportunity to be better was immense. Instead, humans dragged themselves into a distressed fear of missing out on what always seemed to be someone else’s perfect life. Deriding, bullying, aggression, threats on forums seen by friends, family, children… employers… sometimes affecting millions of people.

Showcasing the worst of the human species capacity to destroy itself for no good reason.

The human, placing himself with his capacity for Egotist override, above all other species, is the only species to intentionally, knowingly destroy everything it could. For no good reason.

The human, being such a despicable species, causing so much trauma even the core of the earth begins to boil in anger and frustration. She threatens to blow the place up, a little like the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. Except this time, for the good of the other species. And those humans who have no control, yet suffer intolerably.

Now that humans know better. Now that technology has been opened through a crises. Now that all the information is available.

Will humans Do Better?

#Pi is a moral economic ecosystem divinely inspired to create equity and equality and quality of life for the majority.

The system does not rely on any one person, entity, force or description to maintain it’s integrity. Designed to use the best of human with the best of nature and the best of technology to enhance life on planet earth for all.

Using what we have, who we know and were we are, to do what we can to change our own lives. So we recreate the human impact on the planet.

Humans have been torn apart and pushed together whilst being kept apart. Experiencing extreme emotional trauma, hunger, distress.

This is the time when New Rules, New ways of doing things, New systems are essential for the human mind to wrap around.

Nature — Earth — Cosmos — Stratospheres of stratospheres and beyond are working in the favor of the majority of the humans, innocent of the treacherous destruction of both themselves and their precious planet, on which they rely to survive.

The way forward is succinct. Simple as #Pi. #3SimpleThings move humans forward:

Do No Harm

Be Better

Be of Service

Our service to ourselves is paramount.

Each species on the planet serves itself with the above as the parameters. Do no harm means only take what you need, always give back, i.e. succumb to the time when it’s yours to leave.

Every human must Be Better than they were yesterday. To grow into a species true to it’s nature. To retract the harm done to body, mind and soul through falseness. To retrace the steps to instinct, to relying on intuition above false noise of opinions that do not serve higher good.

Join the majority as we weave our way into an equitable, equal, quality of life for all.



Bonnie at Pi
Predictive Ideology

#Pi : Using Tech to drive solutions to the majority #socialimpact #blockchain Marketing & Brand Consultant #Decentralist